Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

You’re holding the bare minimum for a premade to the same standard as the absolute best case scenario for a PUG.

Again, if you want to play PVP with your friends, you should be playing against another premade. This isn’t complicated.

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Cool. I’m not Blizzard, and it’s not my fault that isn’t an option. Can you at least get caught up before trying to harass me on the side?

Rated battlegrounds.

You queue for rated battlegrounds with a raid group.

I will reiterate for the umpteenth time… I am speaking for unrated BGs.

Blizzard doesn’t want premade raids in unrated bgs.


Premade raids vs. pugs are one-sided games that drive players away from PvP.

If you want to PvP in a raid group, Blizzard wants you to do rated battlegrounds or war games.


I can’t wait for people who just complained about old references to like your post because it vaguely aligns with their narrative.

So if they’ve done this, why did it stop working 12 years later?

Premade raiders never listened to Blizzard.

They keep circumventing restrictions to gain an unfair advantage over other teams. They love their ~95% win rates.

I know you’re referring to me, but the difference is this reference is actually talking about premades and not just AV premades.

…So it’s been a problem for 12 years, you’re telling me?

Never banned?

Every game?

That’s the narrative we’re running with?

It’s never been as big of a problem as it is now. It used to be extremely rare. Now it’s ever single day all day long.

What changed?

What narrative?

Blizzard has clearly expressed they don’t want premade raids in unrated/random bgs. It’s against the spirit of the game, against the spirit of fair play, and it drives players away from PvP.

Premade raiders don’t care what Blizzard says unless bans are handed out.

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That for 12 years, simply no one listened that it was against the rules, and thus it has been a problem since.

Which, by the by, is already not aligning with what Thaedru is telling me, which is that it’s only become a major issue recently.

The “pandemic” forced a lot of people to sit and home all day and people these days extremely selfish and entitled so it became the norm to do anything to get an unfair advantage.

Why is this in quotations?

Actually, don’t tell me. I really don’t want to know.

People didn’t become more selfish and entitled forever because of being stuck home for a while. They certainly had more time, but that more time does not equate to the 10 years preceding the pandemic.

So what happened in the time of the pandemic to now that made people suddenly able or more aware of the way to do this. (Which is fairly straightforward, I’ll add. People have been doing it in other games as well, it’s not all that unique.)

Again, it wasn’t as big of a problem before dragonflight and the last part of shadowlands. It’s being abused now. People are just selfish and entitled had nothing to do with anything other than bad parenting.

This isn’t even close to the pandemic.

Which I was wrong about btw, idk why I was thinking 2022 for it, it was 2020. So 8 years from that post, 4 years from now.

I’ll spare you my lecture on how selfishness is natural and not something you can parent out of a human being, but I’m trying to understand how something that was known about in 2012 goes unused until late Shadowlands into Dragonflight, where it suddenly becomes a major problem again. People didn’t just suddenly become more selfish, that’s just silly.

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I don’t want to debate people actions. These sync players are causing problem and ruining the game for others. That is, it. It needs to be fixed.

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If you want a new/current reference, try queuing for random bgs when you’re in a raid group.

The game does not allow you to queue up.

It should be clear what that means.

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Better than demanding everyone be punished, still, I suppose.

I don’t expect you to read every post or anything, but when it’s obvious I’ve talked about a topic, can you at least spare me reiteration of topics that have been discussed ad nauseum?

Virtually nothing can be queued for while you’re in a raid group.