Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

This argument is insane. Anyone can get access to cheats does that mean cheating is ok?

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Cheats are not honest. There’s a question of legitimate access in this regard. Third party tools are not a legitimate form of advantage you can use in the game. They are expressly prohibited. You can form a larger group of people for a BG without a third party program. You don’t even need Discord for it, though it makes it a lot easier.

I promise you, I am careful with my wording. I’d implore you to genuinely think about what I say instead of latching onto single phrases to attempt a gotcha. It won’t matter how many likes you get from people who agree with your premise, you won’t come out of it feeling like you’ve won.

Too bad they’re not careful with their reading…

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It’s not honest to stack your team and go around the 5-man group size that blizzards allows to “pug stomp”.

I like casual bgs and ya i hate going against a premade but like just curious how do you stop it? Whats the solution?

Its been a while but it really got me annoyed when u faced a premade group in a flag carry game and they would cap 2 then farm the graveyard till the time ran out. But i dint see that anymore.

Is it dishonest to queue as five, knowing you could run into a group of all solos?

nope because they game is designed to put groups of 5 against each other. Doesn’t work when it’s 5 groups of 5 dropping and requeuing to make sure they get in together.

The game is designed to put groups of x together where x represents the number of people on a team for given content y. Further, the content doesn’t encourage any sort of 5 squadrons of 5 gameplay, at least not at the levels I’ve played at. Nothing of the sort even remotely occurs.

Would you punish 5 groups of 5 randomly put together for creating a new Discord just for the match? What about using the in-game voice chat?

No because there not stacking and then making sure they are in together.

So it’s okay for that level of communication only if it’s not organized before queueing?

What is that philosophy supposed to achieve? Gatekeeping people with more than four friends?

Keeping in mind that I am exclusively talking about unrated.

I don’t do pvp anymore . I don’t feel like being camped for 15 - 30 min until the bg is over . No thank you . This fool wasn’t born yesterday.

There is content for people that want to do large group stuff. Pug stomping isn’t it. It’s not fair to the people playing the game how it’s made to be played. I would 100% be for a separate bracket for raid vs raid.

What is it? To my knowledge, there is no PvP you can do and get rewards from with a raid group. In fact, you can’t queue for anything while in a raid group. You can only use group finder.

I know people will set up large groups to take down faction leaders for achievements and such, but uh… I think we’re past making comparisons like that, yes?

As would I, but as it stands, Blizzard is mum’s the word as they always are. It’s easy to say “screw people that don’t play the way I do” but it’s easy for them to do the same about you.

Thus why I’m fine with this for unrated PvP in the meantime.

Rated bg’s

So then let’s stop pushing people away from bg’s. Where have I ever said anything like “screw people that don’t play the way i do” that’s exactly what sync people are doing.

So you don’t care about the pvp that gets most people into pvp? People keep wondering why there is no new blood in pvp it’s because the casual stuff is un-played for the average players so they won’t even try rated.

Fairness. You’re not entitled to fighting a team of PUGs when you can fill out a roster with people you know. Pretending there’s absolutely no advantage to being able to prepare and organize in advance is wild. Premade groups allow you to guarantee a baseline for player quality where a PUG has no such control.

These aren’t remotely comparable and you know it. And just because you set up a discord or use VC doesn’t mean you’re going to convince people to also do it.

Premade groups should only fight premade groups. Simple as. This is just the new version of twinks arguing they’re entitled to fight players who aren’t even remotely optimized relative to their build which represents the top 1% and when confronted about it usually cop an attitude about ‘wanting to have a good time’ and have ‘fun’ even when it’s all performed at the expense of other players.

Most PVP’ers- but especially the types who never actually amount to anything- don’t actually like PVP. This is evidenced by the fact that the minute you present them with an entirely fair fight they don’t want to play anymore. If it’s world PVP they hearth or jump to another shard, if it’s organized PVP they lose once and they quit.

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What if they don’t want to play rated content?

I am surprised that this allows raid groups, though.

By insisting people that want to queue unrated bgs with more than 4 of their friends

Just because I don’t share your opinion doesn’t mean I don’t care.

…This is identical, actually. Any notion you have that a group of friends is necessarily going to have more effective communication than a randomly placed group is ill-conceived. Even peoples’ perception of their own communication with one another is suspect in its legitimacy.

And sure, you might not get everyone into a Discord.

You might get them all into a Discord, though. Is the latter a problem?

Please rephrase this. I am confused on what you are trying to say here.

You want to continue to allow something that is driving players away from pvp that is unhealthy for the game.

Yeah that’s on me, I’m tired and did not finish my thought in text.

Insisting that people who want to queue with more than four friends should be punished for finding ways to do so. (Unrated BGs)

It hasn’t pushed me away from PvP. I really don’t even know if the average player would notice if they were up against an entire stack. A new player almost certainly wouldn’t. They’re new, they don’t expect to be good at PvP.

Thank you. I don’t want to punish people for playing with friends I want to punish people for abusing something that isn’t supposed to work that way. If these sync premades where rare I honestly wouldn’t care at all. It’s the fact that’s all the time every single day.

I still pvp as well but I avoid epics. And I used to love epics. A new player coming into a bg and then just watching as their team gets completely run over by a stacked sync team isn’t going to keep playing.

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This is a matter of perspective, though. I get that this is your view, and that as far as relativity is concerned, it seems as absolute truth.

However, if they are not currently being punished for it, despite it being a known occurrence, and they are enjoying the way they’re playing the game, the clear course of action isn’t to punish people. It’s to fix what’s broken. As you said, the ideal is an unrated queue for people to play these raid groups in. Then, there’s a solid reason to place backend restrictions on certain actions taken in the 1-5 per group bracket.

I mean, I keep playing when I get stomped at something new. My perspective at that point is “god am I the reason we’re losing or does my team suck?”

Not “damn the other team must be a stack, this game mode sucks and I will never touch it again.”

If I’m never seeing ANY success, that’s another issue entirely. I know you’re saying this is happening a lot, but I can’t know how much you’re hyperbolizing that. If at all.