Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Unrated honor farming bg premades started appearing ages ago (Cata? MoP?) along with tools to make them happen, and Blizzard has never to my knowledge taken any kind of stance against them nor done anything to effectively keep them from happening.

The “premade creator” tools back in the day didn’t even require (or, importantly, didn’t require) players to be grouped. They exploited quirks of timing to get players into the same bg. AV was a hellscape in particular. IoC not great either.

its not my opinion

you need prof that bgs are mess? que for bgs and see yourself then

its not

you re saying premades outnumbering ppl dont exist?

you’re still whining about others whining

what point are you trying to make, you said it was ‘‘part of the game’’ and then you says it just dont exist? dude, you’re already so lost. quoting me for so long, I don’t think you’re for real anymore, I suggest we call it a day


Fairness and equity are distinct concepts.

Fairness is whether or not everyone has the same tools and abilities at their disposal, regardless of personal ability, personal willingness to engage with the tools and abilities in question, etc.

Equity is whether or not people are able to get the same result. Regardless of ability, tool, or willingness and ability to use the abilities and tools.

Visual representations usually replace “fairness” with “equality” but I find that in any meaningful discussion, using both equality and equity in distinct ways leads to confusion.

For reference, in this image “equality” is what I am calling “fairness.”


What you want doesn’t matter.

It’s perfectly acceptable and stated by blizzard they are allowed too.

You not liking it is irrelevant.

Blizzard could try to address this issue by adding a random queue delay to every person queuing on the order of 1-2x the average queue time, so that it is simply impossible for a group to wait for “pop time” and then join all at once.

But that would probably make the existing horrific queue times worse.

I was 2/3 of the way to Bloodthirsty when premades started to take over unrated PvP and I just don’t see getting the rest of the way ever.

It is kind of relevant, because unrated PvP being a f------ s----- experience doesn’t help keep unrated PvP popular.

Back in Wrath and Cata, unrated PvP was pure joy, at least for folks who just wanted to run around having a good time and winning on a good day. Now it’s just crap and has been for a long time.


again you re so focused on being arrogant instead of discussing about the subject

it is allowed, everyone knows it, but its been a problem and people want to, you know, queue for random bgs, instead of ‘‘premade bgs’’

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I que BGs all the time and have zero issue.

OK? What they are doing isnt breaking any rules.

You should probably look up what is actually whining.

Yeah you are definitely severely embarrassing yourself.

The people complaining are an extreme minority. Doesnt make it a valid complaint because Blizz has already stated its not against the rules.

Its not being arrogant when I am correct. Theres also nothing to discuss. Its not breaking any rules as stated by Blizzard. You not liking it changes absolutely nothing

/thread. Thanks for proving my argument and point.

for sure you do

and? Iam not talking about punishing or making it agaisnt the rules

you’re complaining again

Iam not the one who says premades dont exist

you’re wrong, then you’re arrogant for insisting on your mistake and even lying about stuff

again, its dont matter, the discussion is not about legal stuff, the discussion is about fixing a problem within the game to bring more ppl to pvp

players liking stuff actually change it, since they want ppl to stay with a subscription

whats the point, whats happening with you? I never said it was a cheating/explot or should be ilegal, quote when I said that… maybe saying the same thing for so long while quoting me has affected your thinking, where being allowed is a point, we know that, so we want it to stop, so I suggested solo q, and then u went crazy that I was crying or whatever?
like I said:

you’re so focused on being arrogant and doing a passive-agressive talk while quoting people, that you didnt even know what I was talking in the first place, just read my first post, and try to think about the subject and not in '‘how can I mock this ppl to make myself look cool’

all of yours posts are about how people are whining over a random stuff, everytime, going in the forums just to complain about other’s people complaint is being like them.


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The posts on the BG forums would say otherwise.

That’s not the issue. That this need to be explained so many times is part of the problem. It’s players stacking a single bg with 10, 20, or even 30+ players.


I do.

SO youre whining just to whine?

making an observation isnt complaining.

I never said they dont exist. Feel free to quote where I said that.

Im not wrong nor have I lied about anything.

There isnt a problem in PvP

You mean a super small minority of the people complaining?

But you want it “fixed” Its either or not both. Make up your mind.

PS the solo que suggestion for randoms is a terrible idea.

When people start getting pedantic like that it just gets crazy. You say coordinating, and they lock onto that word not onto the what you are talking about. It’s wild. Totally pointless and has nothing to do with the reality of the situation.

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yes you do

you’re the one whining

what a long observation that you’re still quoting me after hours

then what prof do you want

yes you are

theres is a problem in pvp bgs

when ppl complained about azerite it didnt change in the next expansion


its been getting worse and ppl are talking about it

I want it fixed bc its a problem that make most bgs unplayable, most Epics

its not, or they will be sad that they cant do outnumber tactics to start a match with a massive advantage?

Pretty much has confirmed my distaste for pvp. I used to enjoy casual battlegrounds but they are now infested with premades. Next solution is to join a premade right? Can’t find any of those groups on my server so I’m out of luck. Burn pvp to the ground for all I care I guess.


It doesn’t matter how many times you type it, it won’t make it true.

Because you can’t do that in Blizzard’s in-game voice chat, guild chat, or whispers… Obligatory /s.

You don’t even know what the rules are.

Clearly, since you think communication is equivalent to a deadly sin.

Trying to turn this into an argument of morals is outright irrelevant.

“Respect is earned, not given.”

“Anymore”? Player versus player wasn’t going to be in the game AT ALL.

You can find issue with that, but to call it exploiting when Blizzard has clarified it isn’t is beyond asinine.

You’re the most pedantic in this entire thread.

Havent whined once.

Killing time and clearly its bothering you.

Maybe take your own advice and read what was said.

Only for people that are sore losers apparently.

You do realize the entire population of the forums is a minority of the total playerbase right? BG forums mean zero.

You cant say they arent breaking rules and then complain you want what they are doing fixed.

It wouldnt fix anything and this is a group based game, they arent going to punish the people playing in groups because the people that refuse to get into coordinated groups dont like losing.

Try joining a pvp discord since groups arent server specific

If I was bothered I would have left long time ago

its not a observation, its you having a wrong take, that happens

I mean you want prof that 2+2 is 4? its just logic, I explained two times and Iam not going to explain again, I’ll just jump straight to the conclusion: the logic is, if they take so long and then decline the que, the group will start outnumbered and will be stomped before the system fill more people to balance it out

you’re the only that isnt a loser so? because if everyone talks about a problem, but then you’re the only one that disagree and says that it isnt happening, maybe you’re the loser for insisting in such bad take

social media is a thing, you can see the same complaints in r/wow

they arent breaking rules, the bg system is the issue, I want it fixed.

group based game

I guess solo shuffle and blitz dont exist
times change

it would fix that now people can play a real game, losing or no, they will not be always outnumbered

they can do rbgs, premade comunites often use voice and do all the coordinated stuff…like ppl who play rbg do
they are not being punished for this suggestion, in fact the premades are the ones who punish them

I’ve been hearing this lame bromide for the 15 years I’ve been playing WoW and the fact is that people who don’t play rated BGs do care about unrated BGs.

Maybe the solution is to absolutely equalize all unrated BG gear and remove all current season gear rewards from unrated PvP currency (honor), leaving nothing but tmog, a bunch of toys and pets, things like heirlooms, and achievements. Maybe recipes and what not. JUST NOT GEAR.

Then there’s no point for people to be in random BGs to grind gear for some other purpose. I don’t think the people who grind premade randoms are there for pets and tmog. I could be wrong though!


So you are saying the premade’s need to do it because they can’t win in fair combat?

Still waiting for the proof of this.

No. I’m saying that it’s fair, because everyone is able to do it, and doing it doesn’t require dishonesty of any kind.

The match is not equitable. Anyone would expect to struggle into a large group of coordinated players when you lack the same advantage.

Or, in perspective of the visual… you’ve all got the box. We just didn’t give two to the short kids.