Nobodies on a forum that share a hobby with me are not owed empathy. Less so when they’re disingenuous.
As I was saying.
I really don’t see how that’s weaponized, Myzrym. If you’re expecting kindness from everyone you meet, you’re destined for disappointment.
Honesty’s a virtue. You can do worse than unempathetic people that are honest.
Like dishonest people who seem empathetic.
Hey if I got the sense that there was any honesty from them I’d be fine with that.
You have a good night Snowpine.
Have a good night. Myzrym.
I’m saying I want a credible source. Not someone’s opinion or a forum post.
That is you saying what you think. You have zero proof that happens in the majority of BGs.
I can make objective statements without whining.
Blizzard doesn’t care about pvp anymore.
The game is about sharing, caring and loving one another now.
40 man Raids have never been able to Que into content.
Well, yeah. They’re coordinating, and that’s cheating against the LFR they might queue for.
Nobody is calling “coordination” cheating… it’s the syncing a whole raid into random bgs that we are calling cheating.
Kaledin did multiple times. Just because you didn’t read it doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.
Did you read everything he said or just the parts that fit your narrative… because it looks like that latter.
You are going to have to quote it for him
Kal is about as not informed as they come. He blocks anyone that refutes his points.
I suggest ignoring what he says because he’s entirely wrong.
Cool then nobody but him is saying it. I do not care about coordination I would prefer it. No I don’t want solo queue I like to play with my friend’s as well. Yes, I do want the syncing in random bg’s to stop because it’s not fair or sportsman like. I don’t care if people want to play with their friends but ruining the game for everyone else is not ok.
I really shouldn’t waste time humoring you, but I’ll give you one chance to have the same humility I have shown twice in this thread. When you’re wrong, you should admit as much.
It was the entire basis of his and my argument. Had you read an ounce of it, you would have been aware of that, but that doesn’t fit your narrative, I suppose.
Over a decade of history provides no suggestion of any answer other than “hell no.”
I must agree some of the stuff he is saying is… insane… I simply don’t want the big sync groups running rampant in random bg’s I would be totally fine if they added a bracket for you guys to queue as raids vs other people queued as raid. These big groups of sync people vs a bunch of randoms is simply not fair or sportsman like can we at least agree on that?
Suggestion for what exactly?
Consider me surprised and tickled pink. On two counts, no less.
I don’t think it’s unfair, but I do think it would be immensely frustrating, especially as a common experience. Were it rated PvP (and please feel free to tell me if it happens there, too) I would wholeheartedly agree. Completely unsportsmanlike. However, my impression, admittedly as someone that does not PvP nearly as much as most people involved in this discussion, is that it’s not to be taken nearly as serious. The perfect environment to allow raid groups to queue into content, IMHO.
I don’t really understand how you don’t think it’s unfair. Specially with how bad blizzards matchmaking is in randoms. It can’t be fun to just run over teams all day every day. I would gladly lose a game if I simply had fun in the long run. But getting completely overrun by 30 dudes in a discord using a ton of addons to “pug stomp” is not fun whatsoever. Honestly if they had a premade raid bracket I would prob join a community because that actually sounds like fun.