Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

I am going to block you now. This is creepy.

So what does it do to prevent groups from accepting the queue at the same time?

May not be cheating. May not be exploiting.

Is absolutely degenerate garbage gameplay though.

Defend it if you want. It’s good to know who does.

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Its av…there are no rewards. Retail av has none of the rewards it used to imo. Its not even xp bearing in leveling.

Premades who usually turtle this their reward is ticking people off. Its looking like its mission accomplishment too lol.

IF the source of this hate is premades who set this up to be turtles…drop the bg.

the deserter cd will be shorter than some of the better turtles I’ve seen really.

Same for WSG’s gone to crap really. See the flag taker bury themselves in the hard to get to spots on the map with no intention to score it as a point, leave.

That is a farming match up…and you’d be the farmed. Or stay and suffer lol.

No, but let me ask you this, Blizzard put a system in place to prevent raids from grouping together. Raids found a way around that.

Is it too hard for your 1-D brain to understand what is happening?

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Oh, so there’s no constraint being avoided. Exactly what we’ve been saying this whole thread. Where’s the issue again?

The big thing here is why do people do it? They do it to gain an unfair advantage. That’s the end of the discussion.

It’s just common sense.

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There is a constraint for getting a raid in the same BG.

Queueing at the same time is the “How To” go around the constraint.

Just because you can do it, doesn’t mean it should be done.

There are also many issues brought with this.

Recycling Backfill.
Unfair BG starting with 10v40.
Extreme queue time for the faction where the premade is constantly dropping.


So there is no cheating nor exploiting since it can be done without outside influence (hacks, bots, etc.), and as previously mentioned exhaustively is even said not to be by Blizzard themselves. I’m waiting for your next moving of the goalpost with anticipation.

Yep. Overall a massive negative for PvP especially for people that are just getting into it. Which admittedly these people don’t care about.

I doubt most of them partake in it, they’d just like to see PvP take as many cuts as possible for their own petty reasons. Anything to kill the joy of other players. It’s the GD way.

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Nah, epic bgs just ruined forever.

True, true.

Arena forums the players there are more helpful.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Tell a dude you’re busy and you’ll give more appropriate responses when done, and he goes completely insane. Wild.


I appreciate the effort you put in, Mohz, but there’s an issue. If this were meant to apply to unrated BGs, they would have done the same thing they did with Ashran.

“Unfortunately, a few people have circumvented those restrictions and we’ve had to create additional measures.

This is from the posts about Ashran.

Now, granted, it also says this;

“Premades larger than 5 people. Anything that deliberately circumvents the in-game constraints”

but in-context, Ashran is its own beast. There are a lot of reasons to consider Ashran separate from BGs, at least from what I can tell from reading.

That is to say I’m not confident that this being the case for Ashran necessitates it being the case for BGs as a whole.

And just to be clear, placing constraints on queueing with people you share a guild, community or friends list with is very easy. You could circumvent this with Discord communities, but at a certain point you whittle down to the few people willing to dispense with the effort. Then you just manually ban wave them.

Given this doesn’t seem to be happening…

Anyway. I don’t think it’s a problem in unrated PvP. Just like it isn’t a problem in unranked Overwatch. Or League. Etc.

It’s no more frustrating than wanting to solo queue for unrated BGs.

But it is cheating. Cheating the system in place.

It has to be done with outside influence. It’s called coordinating a count-down.

If truly it was only 5 man premade playing by the rules, there would be no need for a count-down.


I’m not sure it is really worth going back and forth with some people on this. I mean the mind set you have to have to come at this from the side of it being ok and not playing dirty is just beyond me.

Why play a game that you know you are going to win? Why would you purposefully put someone else into a game they have almost no chance of winning? That just sucks for them.

The lack of empathy is just astounding.


This argument is honestly just pathetic lol

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It’s a free bump! XD

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Av has been ruined since it lost its “never ending” setup. It was my favored setup now I’ve seen all its forms.

I never even saw this in classic play. I saw it 15 KAV. I am really hoping the fan theory they make that for special anniversaries is true and we see it for the 20th. I miss Ivus…I’d like to see him again.

Wintergrasp was broken in cata that first time, broken the 2nd time too. On a good night my rogue can drop 3 demo’s in seconds. they have level 80 stats. We are 85…this was a sick joke they brought back in the redo.

IOC…yeah. It doesn’t need a premade to work out glaives with 3 people defending the…die real easy. On rogue or druid I am already walking there long before anyone says to in chat. Rogues/feral kill glaives in IOC…this is the way.

Empathy only matters to many around here if it can be weaponized.

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