Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

It is, but the wording doesn’t matter. The code of conduct labels this as cheating
" exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating."

If you don’t think using the group finder, possibly an add on or some timing tricks to get a full 10 15 or 40 man raid in is not an unfair advantage…then I don’t think you have seen what these groups do in pvp.

You can’t queue as a raid in random bgs. Getting around that gives you an unfair advantage and thus is cheating.

This is why we don’t need multiple threads of this. There is a 500 response thread a bit down the page that has all that already discussed. It’s so silly to try to say getting around the you can’t queue as a raid isn’t an exploit. It so obviously is.


This requires that someone cannot do the same via normal means.

Which is not true in this case, it is not an unfair advantage.

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I mean there’s four threads already open on this topic.

No, it’s not.

Both sides have equal opportunity to coordinate.

This is a lot of hypotheticals.

You basically just said cheating isn’t cheating because other people can cheat as well.

That is not how it works. Cheating is cheating if when compared to people who follow the rules you have an unfair advantage. The rules are you can’t queue as a raid, if you find a way to do that, you are breaking the rules.


Anyone has the equal opportunity to cheat so it must be ok… That’s your argument lol

Since there is alot of reaching in this thread, I wanted to join in.

Technically, if you have 2 groups of 40 players each, you can wargame the two groups in a random epic BG.

So in very specific scenarios, yes. Yes you can que up for a random epic BG as a raid group.

They aren’t in a raid.

They are. If they weren’t playing it as intended blizzard would have stopped it at some point in the last ten years.

There’s no such thing as indirect grief. You’re making things up.

Pvp happened. Deal with it.

Coordination is not cheating.

No but exploiting is.

There are no epics in war games

I’m trying to figure out any evidence of this happening as you’ve described, but all I’m seeing are old posts about Blizzard banning people for trying to abuse queue declines.

That’s not remotely what I said.

Normal means = not via addon, or third party.

I can do this with no addons, and even without Discord. I just need a guild or community with 39 other people online.

And for the record, addons are sanctioned, so it wouldn’t matter if there were addons to assist in getting more than 5 people together in queued content.

It’s always interesting to me when people defend bad behavior with pedantic arguments. It really shows how the internet has degraded morality at a very basic level.

This type of things ruins pvp communities so people can get a bit of fake numbers that they didn’t earn. It is an interesting microcosm of the world of greed and selfishness we live in.

Let me know if you come up with anything that actually defends the idea on the side of making the game better and more competitive. Right now you are just defending people ruining a game. Pretty sad.


you mean other than the blue post from blizzard that said it wasn’t exploiting?


People here don’t do RUIN premades and it shows.

Our epic battleground winrate was insane, near 100% chance at victory while I was doing those earlier in DF.

Poor Horde players lol, getting stomped with no chance of victory because we’re all in Discord and they’re just a bunch of randoms.

So, yeah.

I wish Rated Epic Battlegrounds were a thing, I imagine they’d be a lot of fun with both teams strategizing. THAT is what Warcraft is, to me.

they coordinate to enter as a raid

they dont stopped the frogs either but did rollback their cloaks
if a thing is bad, but blizzard says it is not, it just make the company wrong on their take

there is, its happened in all df life time

5 rogues ganked you alone in stv, pvp happened, deal with it
but speaking of me, I don’t have to deal with that, I just /afk and play another game, sure for a player like you who values ​​a multiplayer game, losing active players is a bad thing

It absolutely can be cheating. Say teams on opposite sides coordinate to throw a game…that’s cheating. Say groups coordinate to get past a barrier that owners of the game made…that’s cheating. Say a group of people coordinate to kill a ton of frogs faster than was intended…exploit.

Still sticking with the nuh uh level of discourse eh?

They should just allow larger formed groups to queue for it.

It’s telling that this solution is avoided by all parties being disingenuous in this thread, though.

Like, look at this. Can’t make this up.

I’m sorry what? Where is the Blizzard post saying that?

I mean I was in premade groups before, just join into one, or queue bgs until you see your team of 5 being stomped

Being stomped is not 10v40.