Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

If that was the case, there would be only 3 posts. But you don’t actually care about TOS it’s just something you can focus on to try and change the subject.

Quote from the code of conduct for the forums

" Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity"

Just jump on one of the other rather active threads instead of doing this. I think there are 2 up there already. Hopefully you are not the same person who made any of the others but yeah it is in there.

‘‘bad players’’ are the majority, random bgs are often a room for casual and average joes

you cant punish people by playing the game as inteended

yes they are.

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I’m not going to report it. I’m just informing you that you are in fact breaking tos by making this thread.

Do you have evidence of this happening? I won’t say it’s impossible, I know people can organize en masse to do some wild crap in PvP… but I want to see that this 10v40 scenario you’re saying is a problem is actually happening with any sort of frequency enough to punish people beyond a deserter’s

That’s lame. I swear some of the rules here are clown degrees of trolling.

Cool that isn’t happening. This isn’t a duplicate thread it’s another thread about a problem that hasn’t been fixed or even addressed.

is also not exploiting.


I mean, the alternative is Blom situations being the norm.

cant provide screenshots but can invite you to one of the communties i know, they organize in voice, they make various groups of 5, set a coutdown to queue up together, and when the que pop, they wait for the aproval that is safe and they will be together in the same instance without any other premade, I did this in the past

For the people against random bgs being fixed ig enjoy how it is because it’s bad and ppl don’t wanna do them it seems because it’s bad.

Ransoms are for everyone. They aren’t exclusive

Everyone is playing the game as intended.

No they aren’t. Blizzard isn’t sanctioning their accounts

I’m talking specifically about the 10v40, not the groups above 5. The latter is not an exploit, per the only source we have on the matter right now.

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Some want to go into bg and zug zug how they want to.

“premades” make people have to think about what they are doing. They can be beaten. But not if you have 15 to 40 people in zug zug mode.

everyone can que up, but not as a raid

they are not

its a indirect grief by a toxic gameplay behavior, pushing back new plays, its not ilegal by blizzard standart, its just bad

I can get that, and it’s frustrating… but fine, in my opinion, for unrated PvP.

Idk what “blom” means. Is this slang that the kids use these days?

Something like that.

I mean to give benefit to the point-making of your thread amongst the doubters & naysayers — I do agree that premade groups sort of remove the ‘Random’ element from Random Battlegrounds :joy: lol


its not a exploit, but its a bad thing that happens to desestabilize groups in bgs.

works that way:

so what happens when theres a premade in the other side?

they call out, stick the que window for as long as they can, if the other premade are all in, they tell every group to decline the que, so they can set the countdown again to queue up together in another instance

yes they’re not random anymore :joy: