Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

your team of 5 will be stomped over 15 players no matter how good they are

It didn’t lol it was from a long time ago when raids where allowed.

Since it’s been allowed for years, even since Vanilla, it’s hard to consider it cheating.

Unfair advantage? Certainly.

Clever use of game mechanics, perhaps.

It’s not Rated either, which is why I guess there’s less care involved.

Now it’s 5 v 15? Brother I have no clue what you’re even saying at this point.

Again, to be unfair, it has to be unavailable to the opposing party for one reason or another. Whether that be forbidden use of third party or not.

You could have actually included the rest of my post pointing out how coordination can be cheating but whatever man. You seem pretty disingenuous.

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did you play bgs? an average group is 10 or 15, depends on the bg, warsong gluch is 10, arathi basin is 15…

because they are queueing a raid , they are queueing 5 people who are in voice contact with others , if the queues pop atteh same time they accept -if not they dont.

You have totally ignored multiple teh link to teh blue tracker where Blizz has said this is not an exploit

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The rest of your post where you make a mockery of what the word ‘fair’ means? No thanks, I don’t act as megaphone for fools.

I’ll give you this much; coordination is never cheating. What you do with coordination can be, but those things can be done without coordination as well. e.g. Throwing.

Ok? There isn’t any rule against it.

You would have a point if they actually just started this. Rbg groups have been a thing for over ten years.

Your point isn’t valid.

Losing people who whine and cry about little things like losing a bg wouldn’t play in any content I do anyways.

LOL people being better at the game and coordinating is now “cheating”

Lol I’m laughing irl because of that.

No wonder you refuse to do RBGs :joy:


not having rules about this doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt the game

something is bad for over ten year
but instead of changing it for better we’re ignoring it

I agree, you’re whining too much about my idea of making a better experience for new players

That post has nothing to do with modern sync groups lol it was from 2007 or something. So that blue post does not apply.

It hurting the game is your subjective opinion.

In your opinion it’s bad. For those of us in reality it’s a non issue.

I haven’t whined once. I have pointed out you’re using words incorrectly and flat out incorrect on your points.

I see you didn’t read it.

“It’s definitely not an exploit to enter the queue at the same time using Voice Chat or another communication method.”

Unless you can show me where Blizzard changed their mind, this still stands.

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Not often. However, when you first start by telling me you’re playing 10v40s and then tell me 5v15s, anyone is bound to be confused.

It’s their official stance on the complaint. Doesn’t matter what year it was.

They stated the response. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s not valid.

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Hahahahahaha, oh god you are serious. Is this how people think nowadays? Coordinating is cheating if you are on opposite sides…always. Thus coordination is the root of the cheating. It gets you the abilitiy to throw a match. You would never throw a match without coordination between two people…thus your argument that coordination just helps it is silly…and pointless.

The fact that you can’t understand that queuing as a raid…by whatever means you might do it is cheating…shows a real issue. It’s not fair just because other people can do it if the intent of the rules is to stop it. You are not supposed to be playing RBGs with a full coordinated group. It is not the design of the game. If it was…you could queue that way.

You are supporting people ruining games for other people. That by Blizzards own definition…in any way shape or form…is cheating.

Take a step back and try to think through why you are defending this idea. An idea that right now is stopping people from enjoying a game.

its not, its a fact

by logic its bad

you’re whining over my supposed ‘‘whining’’

your point differs from the facts of our conversation

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it’s talking about AV from a long time ago… how does that apply to what is happening now?

…You’re trolling. There’s no way you genuinely believe this.