Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

blitz exist and ppl play them

10 players against a whole premade group of 40 is not a problem? ok I understand now, our definition of ‘‘problem’’ is a little different so

He just regurgitates the same tired and boring responses, played over and over ad nauseam…


It’s not griefing.

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yes it is.

10v40? Where is this happening?


Ok? Still not relevant to the topic at hand.

The bg is 40v40 not 40v10

And no playing against a premade isn’t greifing. Make friends and form your own.

Your incorrect feelings don’t magically make it griefing.

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Blizzard: “We see you. We hear you.”

Also Blizzard:

Couldn’t really care less about the topic at hand but this is the Blizzard way.


they ’ deplete’ other groups by declining the queue late, avoiding others premade, making it 10x40, 5x10 in normal bgs

so I should go back to my premade group to gank outnumbered ppl in bgs? I prefer just quiting the game instead, thank you but I respect myself and want to play real games

So, you agree nowhere in there does it say the quote was for him. Yet you claim it does…

Maybe you should read it a few times just to make sure.

This would require 30 people to be doing this from your team with however many are on the other team. All coordinated in groups of 5.

Do you have evidence of this?

It is implied, thus why you quoted us both and said what you did. It’s amusing that you backtracked immediately though. We all make mistakes, bud. It’s better to own up to them.

Sure thing. Even if that’s true you can’t force people to take a Que.

Then Que RBGs

True, but using it to get around the limit by timing and not accepting when you don’t all get in…is. 5 mans fine. full raids not. It’s not that hard.

One thing though…as there are several posts already about this, this thread is against the forum guidelines. To make a post about exploiting while doing the forum version of running an exploit is kind of silly.

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they do that in purpose everytime
you cant force 1 or 2 take the queue, but they are whole raids, its messing the game, thus should unable to que up as a raid

what about, solo q for bgs and the premades fight each other in rbgs instead?

It’s not. If that is what I meant to say I would say it.

Then it wouldn’t be implied. It would be explicit.

Why’d you quote my post toward someone unrelated to both you and Kiofea, then? Go ahead, make your case.

Proof? I’m glad you’re able to read people’s minds and know for certain that’s what’s happening :joy:

No. People shouldn’t be penalized for
Wanting to play in groups in a game based on playing in groups.


That’s a HUGE stretch bud lol repeated post about the same things simply implies the problem is large and needs to be addressed.

people are complaining about it on the forums, if you que up bgs often you will see it, but it does not exist, indeed

they are note being penalized, they can do rbg

they are punishing newbies and randoms

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It’s actually against tos to make multiple threads on the same topic


Bad players complain about anything and everything. Doesn’t make it a valid complaint.

You cant penalize people for not breaking the rules.

No they aren’t.

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