Yo Blizzard are you paying attention?

Oh you are the guy using the 2007 post to say this isn’t an exploit! Ah ok now that makes sense. You haven’t been paying attention to the much newer posts when they stop raid queuing. I’m sorry maybe you are just ill informed.

Here this is what Blizzards last comment anyone seems to have found on the topic says. Read up and get back to us once you are informed.

Just to simplify these are some of the more important quotes from what was the primary talking head at Blizzard about pvp at the time. Holinka. They had a whole twitter thing about it that was captured in some threads.

“If you’re in Ashran, we think it’s okay to bring 4 friends along with you. But bringing 39 creates an unfair environment.”

Now I know you are gonna say…that’s Ashran not RBG! However that makes no logical sense considered they don’t allow anything more than a 5 man.

So please given the MUCH newer Blizzard stance on what is fair in an Epic PVP instance, tell me how getting around the 5 man block isn’t making it unfair…and how this from the code of conduct…

“Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.”

…doesn’t apply given that they have already stated bringing more than 4 friends into an Epic BG makes it unfair.

I will wait for you to digest the new information and catch up.