Yet another Sylvanas rant

Frustrated and sick of her, not engaged. No amount of pouting at the camera will get me to sympathize with a mass murderer.


You don’t have to have sympathy with a character to be engaged by them. It’s like a heel in wrestling, the more you despise her the more she is doing her job as far as Blizzard is concerned.

The care and attention the Alliance has invested in hating Sylvanas is exactly why she has such an important role in the story and has since Legion.


I’m not engaged with Sylvanas. I dislike her because she is a badly written character who does bad things. In contrast, I find the villain of Berserk, Griffith, to be highly engaging because he is well written and consistent in his vile actions, as well as having complex character driven motivations.

Sylvie has none of that. She is the narrative crowbar the writers need her to be at any given moment.


The only part I would dispute is “as of late.” It’s gotten noticeably worse since Legion, but she’s always come off differently in the novels and and short stories than she does in the game.

It’s still annoying, though.


But you are still talking about her, even if it’s in disparaging terms. That negativity is a feedback loop. It doesn’t matter if you admire her character or her writing or not - she’s just there to get that visceral reaction of dislike in the Alliance story. As far as Blizzard is concerned she is 100% doing her job as a villain - though I admit that assertion makes them look ridiculous.


There’s a difference between someone disliking a villain for being a villain and for them being poorly written. One is more likely to cause people to not care and not play/pay. Which are obviously not equivalent to Blizzard.


It’s called being sassy.


The last three expansions seems to imply that they are equivalent as far as the writers are concerned. Not sure Acti-Blizz employs anyone that can tell the difference anymore.


I wouldn’t even classify her as a “good person” in her life. Sure she was an awesome Ranger General for the elves, but she was alive during the 2nd and 3rd wars. She was one of the ones who made the call to betray their alliance to the Humans(the ones they asked for help with the trolls from), and sit behind their walls and refuse to help and watch innocent villagers get slaughtered.(Aleria and her small group are the only elves who said screw that and left the Elves to help anyways.)

Sylvanas stayed behind her walls and refused to do anything with the rest of the elves. Until the Horde(2nd war) and Undead(3rd war) finally hit them head on, at which point they then cried to the Humans for help again. All this after refusing to honor their own alliances and help when they were supposed two. TWICE.

Garithos’ entire character and his racism exists solely due to the selfishness of Sylvanas and many of the Elves. They stood by and watched his entire village and family burn and refused to let the humans fleeing into their lands, so they all got slaughtered by the horde. While the elves stood by close enough to actually watch. Sylvanas was Ranger General at this time. So that all happened on her orders.


given what we have seen since, that sassiness wasn’t a lie.

I would argue that at several points she even antagonized the Horde…several Horde people died at Wrathgate, including Saurfang’s son. That’s a major leader majorly enraged at her on BOTH factions, when you consider she also killed Greymane’s son as well in the siege of Gilneas. It’s safe to say that while not everybody in the playerbase hates her, 99% of Azeroth probably does.

Ironically we could probably play some sort of Russian roulette with all the ways Sylvanas has killed someone else to decide a justified fate for her in SL/the next expansion: Blight her, turn her into a Stygian weapon, death by burning, shoot her with a magic arrow etc…


Whoa, a lot of this thread got nuked. There are more deleted posts than there are remaining ones now.


How can you tell posts got deleted?

Thread URLs aren’t updated when posts get deleted, even though the post bar on the right is. Yours is the 34th remaining post but the address bar linking to you is post #80.


i think we all relate to sylvanas more than we are comfortable admitting hence all the drama surrounding her…


Sylvanas feels like a character from a bad film adaptation. Like if you read the source material, all these wild personality shifts make a lot more sense because they’re explained in subplots that were cut for time.

Only this uh, is, the source material.


She wasn’t though. That was the Conclave of Silvermoon, she spoke up against them when the tried and succeded to isolate Quel’thalas after the Second War. She was actually an actively outspoken person for the Alliance against her own race. It’s noted in the Quel’thalas registry that she denounced the High Elves for being prejudice against the humans for their misuse of arcane magic. It’s even possible (since we know so little about this part of the lore) mostly from In the Shadow of the Sun, that she actually put human interests above Silvermoon and was widely regarded among her own people as a Human/Alliance sympathizer.

She was a good person. She refused to use backhanded tactics even when Arthas sacked Quel’thalas. She lived and expemplified this idea of ‘honor’ that the Wrynn’s especially and humans in general lived by, the whole concept of dying to save your people. She attended the celebration of the rebuilding of Stormwind. She was a good person in life, we only have lore proof that supports this.

There is not a single piece of evidence that supports that she was a bad person when she was alive, maybe that she was a little bit vain but that’s the only thing that tarnishes her otherwise golden record.

The fact that you even believe she was a bad character before her death is whack… what are you smoking? Do you have sources or examples of bad things she’s done as Ranger-General? I’d be interested to see this lore because there are literally only two canonical examples of her as Ranger General, one in Tides of Darkness, where she appears as a footnote in when Quel’thalas joined the Alliance and in Arthas: Rise of the Lich King when she has maybe a chapter of her reacting to Arthas’s assult. There’s minor lore bits in Edge of Night, In the Shadow of the Sun if you squint and a vision X’era gives Alleria in A Thousand Years of War… I know, I’ve combed lore novels looking for more and there is none That’s part of the problem, how can we pass judgement on a character we don’t know? How are we supposed to sympathize with The Ranger-General side of Sylvanas teased in No More Lies if no knows why she deserves to be remembered as a hero.

That’s just as frustrating to Sylvanas fans as to Sylvanas critics. There’s just not enough information on who she was before she died to make any assumptions about how she’s changed or how she could go back to who she was before. it would be nice if they actually cleared up the misconceptions about her character in a way that was finite and not tangible based on interpretation.


That’s a fair assessment, I do see a lot of people projecting into her in the forums, positively and negatively. It’s worth some reflection.


Boring characters in my warcraft? Say it aint so.

Everything post warcraft 2 is non-canon.

Hell everything past the last page of chronicles 2 is non-canon.

they pretty much retconned all of Chronicle after saying it was just the Titans PoV and there could be other PoV’s out there and other accounts of history. I’m personally interesting it reading these other accounts.