Having the other could list as other reasons not listed. Reason why I am also thinking like this, because Blizzard doesn’t have a way to also track the vote-kick reasons, and there is a loop hole into something that shouldn’t exist.
but even that could have been solved by moving the trinket to the last boss, without increasing the penalty to 30m and giving it no matter WHAT the cause was.
Again, a design decision DROVE this behavior and instead of targeting THAT, people just want to be petty princesses and harm/punish other players.
Agreed. I saw it happen earlier today during a ZF TW run.
A prompt came up with the reason “This tank blows.” Within seconds, before I had a chance to move my mouse the prompt disappeared and the tank was booted.
The fact of reality is, there is never a perfect solution for any complex social situation, just cause we can’t eliminate all problems, doesn’t mean there aren’t solutions that can eliminate the WORST of the problems.
You could try, but have to get queued with me first… Which would be extremely rare to get queued with someone from the forums if posting regularly on the forums.
In XIV, quests are your fastest experience for the first job of each expansion. After that, spamming the highest level dungeon you can do is the most efficient as well. The daily roulettes are just icing on the cake.
But anyway, my point about community is that (anecdote warning) is that having played both games for so long, people in dungeons or raid finders in XIV are very understanding and forgiving where if someone says “new guy” in WoW, they’d better prepare to get a 30 min debuff. It’s just the way it is and has been.
Yes, I’ve seen a few jerks in XIV, but it’s rare, not the norm.
I think that’s a bit overboard and makes the vote kick box larger and more convoluted.
But the box should be reworked to not allow random letters or racial slurs.
But it isn’t. A tank messing up a pull is not the same as the trolls who went in as rogues purposely to see how many groups they could make miserable in a day.
No one claimed it eliminates the behavior. But it does diminish it. The system is still the lesser of two evils.
It simply needs tweaked.
I think they just need to change how the box works and not allow random letters or racial slurs. Someone being kicked for “other” would make people flip out. lol
Yep! It’s the best I’ve seen in all of these threads so far.
And this would get abused, because people will always abuse free passes.
Hard disagree, as this screws even more with queue times.
It does when there are premades in the group. Otherwise, it’s majority vote. Which is 3. I don’t think that needs to change, only because I don’t see how it will affect anything overall.
When I was playing I had most people say that after you unlocked flying, way better to do the pop up events since there are quite a few dungeons in the “lower range” that actually have a ton of unskippable RP and cutscenes