Yet ANOTHER Story of LFG Vote Kick Abuse with ZERO Report Option and Consequence for Abuser

I was tanking in a random H run, City of Echo. One DPS died towards the last boss on one of the debuffs from trash which pretty sure Healer didn’t dispel. They released and started running back the long way, I noticed and told them to talk to the bird at the start and it will get them here quicker. They died to the trash on the way back but then took the bird after releasing again.

We were waiting at the last boss, another DPS said they were in a hurry and Healer also asked to pull. We started the fight and that running back person died on boss mechanics before making to us.

Just before boss was about to die, at 3%, some “genius” put a vote kick for that person, literally with some random letters in the reason box. I knew what was happening and voted NO… And yet vote was passed and that poor person got kicked 3 secs before boss died.

What is the consequence for that vote kick?
Why is a vote kick allowed like that on a last boss?
WHY is a vote kick allowed DURING combat?
There’s as usual brain dead people who simply hit YES without reading, simply because the vote kick system is TERRIBALLY designed with just a pop up box that has a TINY text for reasoning and it simply accepts the vote without any re-confirmation about hard to read text to begin with.

And if I want to report this abusing behavior, there’s literally ZERO in-game option to do so. The new and shiny “Social Behavior Agreement” was just some shallow words that Blizzard clearly did NOT intend to enforce anyway and created to self pat on their backs for “doing something” about it.


You are the tank? Why did you pull? Peer pressure?


Because it’s not defined as abuse and won’t go anywhere.

So much so the article is literally titled “Kicked from group for no reason”.

Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.

Or they saw someone continuously die and not contribute.



90% of the time it’s some dps punk who pulls.

@ OP That is pretty awful that he was kicked. Kindness is rare in pugs and that is a very sad thing.


Sounds like democracy happened.


But he’s still the tank, he can at his leisure just decide NOT to participate in the fight and reset the boss.

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In the world of this didnt happen. This didnt happen.


Which is just as likely to end in him being kicked as anything else.


While you’re right, people would complain and kick the tank FOR doing that.


I’ve never been kicked for doing that to force waiting for the slow player, but whatever lets you justify leaving that guy behind I suppose

I am glad that Crenna Earth-Daughter and Meredy Huntswell have never voted to kick me. I can always count on them to have my back.


We can’t say that something doesn’t or never happens because it’s never happened to us. That’s called “confirmation bias”. I’ve never won the lottery, that doesn’t mean others haven’t.

Sometimes, people wind up in no-win situations. You end up where you have 2 options and you’re screwed no matter which you pick. Some people are luckier than others.


There is none. Because a group can kick for any reason or no reason at all.

Apparently that person was irritated that the lagging behind dps died. Petty? Absolutely. But everyone else hit yes.

That’s their problem for being dumb, I agree. I don’t hit yes to anything that I don’t know about. Those people probably get their bank accounts and computer hacked for mindlessly hitting yes to things.

Because it’s not abuse.

It’s not new. It’s the Code of Conduct that’s existed since day one. But has nothing to do with VTK.

This is the VTK support article:

The ideas people came up with for some tweaks:

  1. Lower the debuff to 15 minutes to align with how long it takes to run a dungeon now.
  2. Put a 5 second countdown timer on the yes button for the ones who mindlessly hit yes without paying attention.

Because someone calling for a vote kick isn’t a reportable offense. Just the same way that you voting no, or the rest of the randoms in the group voting yes, isn’t.

Because you can call for a vote at any point in the dungeon. It being on the last boss doesn’t excuse anyone for anything, and you can initiate a vote during combat because just imagine if you couldn’t.

In the overwhelming majority of time the vote kick is used for folks griefing in a dungeon or not doing their role/job/participating to help the group. One player’s ability to start a combat encounter and remain in one (imagine a tank remaining in combat for several minutes on end self-sustaining themselves) to prevent being kicked or someone else (i.e. a premade queuing with said tank) from being kicked.

What you described here isn’t reportable, it isn’t abuse, and at this point these threads are just spam.

Edit: Small correction, as I was reminded of it because of other posters here - you can’t kick people during boss fights, you can kick 'em during normal fights. Which I described above is more than self-explanatory.

Nobody is talking about Blizzard’s notoriously vague, generic, ambiguous, and convoluted code of conduct. He’s referring to common sense.


Nothing to justify since I wasn’t a part of this group. A group that is willing to troll the guy running back is willing to troll the tank for waiting on him though.

Kind of a 1+1=2 thing.


And we can’t say something will happen just because it might. Sometimes you need to take a risk to do nice things for others, be the change you want to see rather than getting swept up in your fears of what might happen.

You’re thinking “slippery slope”, however people with decent experience with this community know that people will kick or degrade you for A N Y reason. I’ve seen some absolutely asinine reasons for a person to be “gone after”. I’ve seen some of the absolute most idiotic reasons for people kicking that have passed “lol” “lmao” “idiot” “took my gear” “stupid” “worthless”.

Did those people break any rules? Technically no, because Blizzard has said that people can kick for any reason they want. However, they say this so that they don’t have to police when people are CLEARLY and obviously weaponizing the system.

Abusing the system? Technically no, as the rules say they can. Weaponizing the system? 100000% absolutely.


Chances are if he said he was going to wait he would have been votekicked. LFG is mob rule. Keep quiet, don’t fall behind, and get out as quick as you can.

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Blame a couple things here. First, the gods-forsaken 8s CD on every dispel. That’s one of the worst changes Blizzard has made to this game. Second, DPS with interrupts that can’t interrupt the cast that pops the debuff in the first place. Don’t solely blame the healer. They have enough to deal with. There are times where debuffs go to the entire party and I have to pop every imaginable CD to keep everyone topped off. There are times where interrupts happen on those, and I’m bored. I don’t mind the play either way, but I don’t need to dispel things to heal the damage off.

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