Others including myself have already said that. One could say that’s projecting, but if you’ve dealt with this community long enough, it’s an not even a remotely unreasonable for a lot of people to think that.
At that point it would just be pure spite.
They are at the last boss. One last fight and they are done. Would they really want to sit in queue waiting for another tank at that point?
This may explain the episode of a tank making a giant pull with the first boss included then dropping group in heroic Boralus. Joke was on them, we continued without them, cleared that pull, went up to and killed the second boss without getting another tank. No one died either, so icing on the cake. This type of behavior isn’t an issue now, it seems.
People are spiteful. Some will while some won’t. It’ll be a mixed bag. Some are too concerned with trying to ruin someone else’s day that they don’t think logically as you did.
You know that this would boost toxicity and kicks for loolz even more,
dont you know by now what kinda of community WOW has.
If right now kicks are unjustified and vile,
if dungeon deserter buff becomes account wide, kicks would be happening immediately by trolls.
I’m not sure how these two relate to each other.
There’s a debuff now that prevents people from continually trolling group after group after group.
People in general are wired mentally to toss blame to someone else as their default response, surprisingly if someone can get away with something or can blame someone else, studies into the human condition have shown they are more likely than not to in fact, do just that.
This is why we have at bare minimum basic court systems and governments, because it was a known issue to philosophers of old that people as a collective… are terrible at controlling themselves and acting sensibly and without bias.
I meant account wide ignore, not account wide debuff. God no, that would be horrible. Yes, I know exactly how the community is and how spiteful they are. They weaponize kicks now as it is, that would just exacerbate it.
Look at all the projection going on in this thread…
I would love account wide forum ban, that would make forum experience much better.
Can’t believe OP pulled the boss so the other guy couldn’t get it
Forum actions in terms of silences and suspensions are account wide.
I’m curious to know how people in here discussing different ways to tweak the system, but not remove it, suddenly means that we are weaponizing the system and we don’t want things to change.
Eh, to be fair, others aren’t wrong… the group probably would have kicked the tank for not pulling. That group was apparently itching to kick someone.
Who’s “we”,
any player agency over other players must be removed.
But you constantly push your own agency over others
Yes, I’ve said that before. That’s partially what my statement above was about. There are people who multibox and have multiple accounts. If you ignore a stalker on one account, they’ll hop on another.
Yes, not everyone is a multiboxer and not everyone has the same number of accounts but I’ve known people who own 10 accounts. I cannot imagine paying those fees. One guy I know owned 5 and complained in guild how he struggles to pay bills. If you bring up “Well, you pay a bunch of subs”, he’ll talk about how they’re “really important”.
I’m the one who said the word “weaponizing”. You know exactly who I was talking about.
And I only proved you wrong in 1 thread. Let it go, stop talking to me indirectly to others. It’s so cringe.
The only solution i have towards VTK is lowering the debuff to 15mins that way some players can still be happy with VTK. It’s not really a win win, but’s all i got towards VTK.
I think you replied to the wrong person, my point is that people are unreasonable jerks in general… this is something most folks in ancient society agreed on, after much ruminating on this. The fact of the matter is, the human brain is pretty messed up from the get go, so chocked full of biases that it cannot judge reasonably.
While having a third party mediator (courts and systems of law and democracy) somewhat negate some of these biased views, they do not wholly eliminate them.
“All forms of government are doomed to fail”.
One cannot fully eliminate human fallibility in any situation, merely limit it to the bare minimum.