Yet ANOTHER Story of LFG Vote Kick Abuse with ZERO Report Option and Consequence for Abuser

If it helps you understand where I’m coming from, I’ve similarly never seen the apparently constant abuse of vote kicking that threads like this claim.

In all my years I’ve seen a bare handful of vote kick attempts. I’ve clicked ‘no’ on most. The ones I clicked yes on were deserved.

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as a healer I am often disappointed by the amount of times people try and kick the lowest DPS in the very last moments of a dungeon.

I always vote no and it is tempting to just leave and let them deal with it without a healer

For me, but not for others. And then the ignore list gets huge real fast with how degenerate people get like that.

It was. And with how much weirder people are these days, I can’t imagine it being any better.

Yep. Same here. And from asking around streamer Discords, Reddit, guilds, trade chats of high pop servers… it doesn’t seem to be a common theme to kick people for no reason or dumb reasons. Seems to be rare, which is most likely why Blizz hasn’t done anything, because it’s not as common as the forums makes it seem.

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I might have been in that one. Voted no since I saw the arrow/dot moving. Patience is a virtue lost on players these days.

There are a number of instances I run where I’m largely unnecessary as Resto. I spend most of my time doing my paltry DPS with Lava Burst and Bolts. I could help those groups more as Enh, but then someone would have a conniption fit that I’m not in Resto. In other instances, people take a load of damage and I get to actually perform the role I queued for. I prefer the latter, but don’t really care about the former.

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Same here. I never seen any “I was kicked for no reason” or “I was kicked for my transmog.”

Sure, I have also been removed from the dungeon a couple of times too, but hey, means I can find better people to play with.

You ignore people for proving you wrong or disagreeing with you. That hardly makes them degenerates. That’s such a disingenuous thing for you to say.

Ain’t that the truth. I can’t imagine how some of these newer age gamers are when they try classic.

Didn’t know you could kick people while in combat. Either way, if the group decides it’s what they want, I side with the group!

You having trouble keeping track of what conversation you’re in? She’s talking about hypothetically ignoring people in-game holding groups hostage to force a kick without a timer so that you don’t wind up in another group with them.

If people don’t like vote kicks just put a group of friends or guild mates together.

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No, not at all. I’m just pointing out how them saying that is ironic.

Plus, they’re being hyperbolic.

While that’s not a wrong suggestion, there are a lot of introverted people out there who don’t belong to guilds for that reason, and in return, have little to no friends. Not sure how many are like that, but it seems as time goes by, it’s more than I originally thought.

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That is too hard for some. That is why they keep making these threads when the solution is right there for them.

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Always a good laugh when the person who usually does the vote kick realizes (or doesn’t I should say) that they’re in a guild run and are the random PuG addition.

Only happens if apart of a large guild too.

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In all my time playing this, I’ve only encountered this once. The group retaliated by kicking them when our guildie was unfortunately the antagonist. It was what it was…

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He has to get his jabs in as often as he can— even when they don’t make sense.

And yes, it was a discussion on in game ignore. To clear it up for others, Herne had said that we could just put them on ignore if they’re harassing or griefing people and not have to run dungeons again with them. But that only works one person. Other people would then be subject to their behavior in other groups— and back in the day, I did see quite a few instances of people seeing how many groups they could troll by pulling and wiping everyone, while they vanished on their rogue, then got kicked so they could continually do it all day to as many groups at they could. They used to brag about it.

We don’t need to see that kind of thing again.

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I’m going to reiterate what I’ve been told when discussing this topic…
Vote kicks happen and the system works as intended.

Do I, personally, agree with that statement…no.

Others in here will vehemently disagree with me.

It sucks to get the debuff for being kicked and not knowing the reason or seeing (what I call) abuse of the system. Another point that many will disagree with.

Pick your battles wisely.


I know this isn’t on topic, but I personally liked Occulus… hides in the corner.

True, people not knowing the dragon mechanic made it harder. I remember doing Eye of Eternity (I think I only tried a couple of times) and being lost on what to do, that definitely didn’t help the stigma of dragon mechanics xD! Regardless, I enjoyed the different type of dungeon The Occulus was.


I actually liked it, as well. It used to annoy me when people would grumble about it. lol

It took you guys that long to do 3% of somethings hp bar? Jeez.

I got vote kicked last night in a TIMEWALKING dungeon on my low level hunter I have been working on, because I was doing decent damage and my pet was pulling aggro with growl turned off. Even better, I got deserter after being vote kicked for no good reason. Devs really need to take a look at the vote kick/deserter system.

I would totally get being kicked if it was content anyone was struggling with and the dps was pulling aggro and causing a wipe, but this was timewalking, which basically no one struggles with and often has a dps spec as a tank.

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