Yet another guild bank post

Whether or not I choose to play Classic will depend upon the game as a whole and how close to vanilla the whole game is.

Can we get a barber shop while we’re at it?

No problem, dont remember if this worked like that at first , but it does now.

Just curious, what are you going to use as a reference to determine “how close to Vanilla it is”, your memory?

Well barbershop is a bit out of reach it’s 15$ to change skin in the services (I’m amazed it’s still there tbh but some people really want to change the sex of their characters I guess)
That’s asking Blizzard to add npcs to automatically lose money :thinking:

Guild bank alts
It’s in the name lady.


This was well said actually. No body talks anymore. My server is a sad shell of its former self.

I think the main culprits for this though were the random dungeon finder and cross realm tech, not guild banks so much. Incidently my idea was for guild banks to be added with an emphasis on how it was done in vanilla.

Trade chat before the random dungeon finder?

LFG for this LFG for that…need a healer for xyz then gtg. Tailer LW work got your fav epics!!. WTB silver enchanting rod paying 10 gold…< Happy go lucky guild > is now recruiting!..SUSAN express OOooo you likes Teh gold??!..on and on.

And trade chat the day 3.3 dropped? …hehe hehe (anal) wrath…why do they call it invincible if you can see it???..trollaalaalalaaa…derrrrrrrrrrr.

Its no wonder players don’t talk anymore with this nonsense going on 24/7. And now with discord trade chat is totally useless. Not even susan spams anymore because they know its pointless.

I hope that players communicate again in classic like we did back in the day, only time will tell. Players do love their discord-- I even use it for voice coms myself while doing group stuff but that’s it.

Which doesn’t refute what I said - at all.

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Dude, you do understand that if someone needs something they usually message the guild first saying hey does anyone have this item? Then someone responds, yes… check the guild bank. That is interaction.

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So you’re saying that players asking for something because they’re too lazy to get off their fat backsides and check a guild bank themselves is interaction? If that’s the case, then let’s go all out and make every Goldshire like the one on Moonguard used to be. That’ll boost player interaction. Heck, why stop there? Let’s make every city like that. While we’re at it, we should also definitely encourage begging for gold. Nothing says “quality interaction” like somebody spamming a channel for gold only to have 20 players telling said beggar to sod off.

Well I’m a dues paying member of that union. I hear ya. I looked at 1 guild bank page. I hadn’t considered the impact on tailoring, but I don’t think it will be too bad. That’s how I make gold in live selling hexweave bags atm so.

Its 98 slots that would account for 6 mooncloth bags out of the market. I think the market for bags will still be huge though. Players always need bags. New players, new alts, bags for personal banks and always needing to upgrade to larger slots.

As anti guild bank as I am, a gold sink is the strongest argument I’ve seen for them. Sooner or later, the players that stick around will have more than enough gold for everything. After the epic mount, there are no more significant gold sinks. AH playing does nothing but move gold from player to player, minus the AH cut of course.

It’s not going to happen right away. It’ll probably take years, but a closed system economy (just my way of saying that Classic is a finite system as opposed to leading into TBC) that keeps putting money in and ceases to remove it in a significant way will lead to inflation.

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:eyes: What the hell is going on here?!

I’m just trying to encourage player interaction. Sure, you could raid or PvP or stuff like that, but is a couple of people barking orders at the rest really as interactive as the inn of MG used to be? I only visited a couple times, but I can in all sincerity say that I never saw a place with that many players that close together. What else could they have been doing if not interacting?


Okay you can have guild banks after naxx has been out for 6-12 months. I disagree that we need another gold sink as 1% of the player base will have a majority of the gold… this will change nothing

Quite a while back I suggested waiting a year and the pro GB crowd said there was no need to wait. It was at that point that I realized (yet again. I’m apparently a slow learner) that people aren’t really interested in discussion as much as they are telling others how wrong they are for not letting them get their way.


Still doing those menta l gymnastics, I see.

The fact that ONE AND ONLY argument that has NEVER been countered is against guild banks really must be bugging you.

Tell us what patch introduced guild banks.

That would be patch 2.3–THREE MAJOR PATCHES and almost TEN MONTHS AFTER TBC was released.

Tell us all what part of vanilla took place AFTER TBC was released.

Would the classic wow demo qualify?

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Yes you and others are if they are going to say guild bank alts were anything but guild banks. It’s literally in the name.
This is what you look like:

Lol. So much so that I have never disputed it right? That’s sarcasm in case you can’t tell.
Edit: There sure was a form of guild gank though: Guild Bank Alts.

The part now referred to as classic.

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Did Vanilla have sharding?

If not, I would say no.

But, let’s hypothetically say that the demo counted. Did the demo have guild banks? Were players able to access guild banks in the demo.