Yes, we're sill salty about the Brutosaur

Especially now that the Bruto is in a spot where someone could spend 300k one time and get him, or spend 300 million and never get him.

That kind of degenerate toxic gambling does not belong in this game. At all.

Earned is earned. When we start taking individual players opinions into account then NOTHING will be exclusive.

778 kills on the Lich King across my toons. No invincible. I killed him 11 times when he was current and didn’t win the rolls. It happens :man_shrugging:

Actually no one has ever claimed to have gotten it from the BMAH containers so we dont even really know if it actually is a better way to get it or not.

Most probably not considering they are so expensive.

I don’t see it that way. Take the 2007 Brewfast Ram. It was available that one time then Blizzard randomly decides to remove it with no notice. They didn’t give us notice on Longboi until Wowhead datamined it then it was a “well we gotta now” kind of feeling behind the whole thing.

Gladiator mounts or the CM mounts were a reward for completing a challenge with the current gear, spells, talents, consumables, class (no DH back then), etc. but Longboi didn’t have a challenge associated around it. It was either earn 5 million in game or buy $700 worth of tokens. I’m failing to see what made that BfA exclusive.

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I was talking about myself. People can do what they want. It’s not going to change anything IMO.

Btw, I think the starting bid on him is 5 million. I don’t think he’s like the rest of the mounts that start at 20k.

Oh nm you meant the box. I’m a derp. Ignore me.

They just need to put it back on the vendor. It wouldn’t hurt ANYONE to always be available. It was a bad call to ever remove it.

I’m all for just leaving it on the vendor and letting people get it when they get it, if they ever want it, even if that is four expansions later.


This is exactly how I feel.

I’ve never even thought about the Brutosaur.

Yes please bring long boi back :frowning:


Even with all the other cool-looking mounts in the game (KSM, Gladiator, AoTC, etc) whenever you’re standing around in a populated area of a major hub (…such as Oribos inner circle area) it’s the Brutosaur mount players that stand out and get other players “flocking” around them.

People don’t “flock” to an AoTC or KSM mount the same way they do with the Brutosaur mount. Having access to a mobile AH on-the-go is truly unique, the Brutosaur mount owner players are the “head-turners” of WoW/get lots of attention whenever they deploy their mount in a crowded area

That was actually quite a cool point.

Never thought about it that way always thought of it as a powerful utility i guess everyone has different reason why they want it back or not want it back.

I stopped paying attention to mounts when they became so abundant. The only ones I wanted were the cennarion hippogryph when that was a thing, vial of sands (to help friends that couldn’t fly), the shredder thing so I could herb without dismounting, and the yak so I can vendor crap without going to town.

I don’t need the auction house enough to warrant having a brutosaur. I’d rather have the mobile app back so I can put it up for sale while I’m at work.

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You had several years to buy it…

Just like nocoiners that didn’t listen.

I’m sure they get a lot of attention, but I haven’t paid them much mind, either. Most of my characters are engineers since I don’t really care about professions, so I’ve always just used those auction houses in the major cities.

I’ve probably needed to use one of my guildies’ AH mount like once when I forgot to buy flasks.

They murdered a tree and exploded a ruined castle lol They don’t care about capital cities. Rewards are restricted in this game because they want you to psychologically obsess over a pixel.

Having a mobile app does sound like a very good idea but its way easier to put the mount back than making a new app for blizzard and they will ofc go for a easier route tbh.

And exactly the way you like the yak for its utility there are others who want the bruto for its utility as well.

Many other people want the advantage of having a AH on the go just the way you want to have a vendor to scrap things on the go.

i started playing in 8.3 i didnt have a chance to even farm for that mount it.

If you’re talking about the vendor, one =/= several.