Yes, The Token is Pay to Win

In all seriousness, the term “win” in pay to win is referring to winning any advantage, in game or out of game, that includes time.

Many mobile games are pay to win because paying allows people to do things more quickly. If you don’t pay, you can’t compete. It really is that simple, unless you ask a wow fanboi because wow is the only game there is so nothing else is relevant.

Honestly you’ll be pressed to find a definition from any academicially credible source, but sources generally accepted for slang terms such as Urban Dictionary state just that, you’re paying for an advantage.

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It keeps me playing so it isn’t garbage, change my mind.

Please describe the process of “boosting” to 2400 in arena? Are they bribing the other teams to lose? Or it is literal pvp gods that are doing the boosting, that they can 2 v 3 the opposing teams in 2k+ rating matches?

Win trading will get you banned so they are not doing that. It’s just 2800+ rated players boosting people.

Pay to Win has been conflated with buying content experience. I always thought that P2W implies the only way to get the uber mega thingamajig is to buy it with real money.

If you want to change the definition of Pay to Win to include “Pay to advance”, then sure WoW Token does allow for that.

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Omg just Google wow boosting you will pages and pages of sites.

Some good some bad.
Some take $$$ some take gold…

Google is your friend…

Except that’s not what it means lol.

1.) pay money to get in game gold directly that is allowed (before you could only buy gold through farmers which was against TOS)

2.) allowed to buy carries with gold and tokens)

3.) literally can be carried through any content being a mediocre or average player.


In summary, WoW before you either had to earn gold legitimately or be good.

WoW now you can be bad and get carried through any content with a credit card while being allowed in TOS.

It’s funny how smooth brained you are

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I still love that the wow token was supposed to fight the gold sellers…

And now we have booster farms

Boosting existed before the WoW token.
The WoW token didn’t increase boosting… end game rewards added in legion did.

Its not pay to win at all…there is nothing on the AH u can buy with gold to make u win…u actually have to be good to get ur mplus rating over the ksm marks, raid high level raids, etc. Or, if u are not good enough u buy a boost from the communities the bots control like Huokon, Buddies, or someone else…

What the token does do is…enable bots on the AH to steal all the gold…here’s why…

Auction bots are already a problem. They control the AH and the boosting programs that good players enlist in to boost others. You post something on the AH and it’s undercut in 10 secs due to some a##hat running tsm scripts to auto cancel and undercut you 24/7. Ive seen the same bots undercut me at 8am and 3am. And they are always on the same toon on their brontos in the same spots. So you cant make any gold…so you buy a wow token so u can have gold to pay for repairs, flasks, food, etc…making the auction bots even richer since they are auto canceling consumables faster than tailored goods these days…

So you not only pay 15 bucks a month no a sub since u cant auction fast enough for free subs from tokens, u double up on gold so u can keep up with the gold cost demands of playing the game needing crafted legos (sold by bots), and other items. No, its a scam item and they dont want you earning free subs while also having to buy their tokens for more revenue.

Most players who can dedicate a few hours to farm to sell items, and devote another couple hours to cancelscan items will make some gold…I have made a couple mil, but spending way more time doing this than actually playing the game. Auction PVP with bots is something I do not enjoy. Majority of humans however would rather be outside, visiting with family, and doing other things outside the game. So they will buy tokens for gold to keep up instead of farming since auctions wont sell with limited engagement it requires.

#ReportTheBots #BuyLocal #SupportLocalCrafters

TSM doesn’t automatically cancel and repost anything. It’s still a very manual process.
Don’t confuse TSM with bots - completely separate things.

I remember many leveling services and gold buying services back in the day…

I did not play WoD or legion, and I can see the achievement and mythic+ creating that large need for market.

I can agree with you on that. Vanilla and TBC it was the leveling and gold nothing needed past that.

Or you can buy WoW tokens and buy all that with gold lol…


The only one changing the definition is you. Even urban dictionary says it is an in game advantage, not “something nobody else can get”.

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If you have the money lol… Which be surprised whales make the market.

1% of the population in wow most likely spends $1000 a week on tokens and the store…

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no, but there are scripts that can be used for tsm to auto cancel ur auctions once outbid. subaddons for the addon so u can set it up on a second pc and walk away while it makes u infinite supply of money.

What you’re describing is literally the definition of a bot and against the ToS.

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Ah sitting, very common and very fun to exploit… why the ah is garbage

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I know first hand. I sold hundreds of keys in BFA. These people would need to wait for their tokens to sell 95% of the time before we could start the sale. The amount of money Blizzard makes off token sales is unbelievably high.

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Totally agree