Yes, The Token is Pay to Win

That would be banable. You won’t be able to find any addon site that provides that valid wise

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So your saying you can make the same amount gold in the same time using the game mechanics available and be at the same level of game play that someone buys a token and pays for a run or carry… I think I’m laughing harder then you.

Token devalued everything this game stood for. High skill achievements can be bought. High IO can be bought. High level BoE’s can be bought. All with real money.

You can’t even distinguish a good player from a bad one anymore because of these fake achievements.

Token is trash.


Not at all…but prime example…come visit Hyjal. Where one fox sits on his bronto 24/7 at level 52 with his multibox crafters running korthia in packs, and has other level 30 alts log in on sep accounts and all feed his bronto selling machine crafted stuff and cancels you in litersally 30 secs…i suspect he has DC’s sometimes and those windows u notice ur stuff may sell. I do know he’s involved with Huokon and see their bank alts next to his often. Quite the operation, but keeps players buying tokens so I’m not sure Blizz shuts their ####show down.

Yea If I no lifed my time to farm mats to sell yes I can buy a run.
Level of game play? I’m sorry I didn’t realize every single body was in the race for Mythic World First.

So somebody buys a token … They are guaranteed to be 239 ilvl after one run with your supreme logic. Gotcha. Gonna buy myself a carry then if that’s the case.

Why does it matter so much to you how other people play the game and spend their money? Is it because you can’t do it that way? Does it affect you personally at all?

I don’t understand why it matters. Why die on this hill?

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But I did hear your winner of worlds first saying they needed to get paid carries Rollin as soon as possible.

It kind a hurts the reputation of the game and really don’t sit well will old causal players that were use to a cleaner version of the game. Would be my guess.

You’re not Steven Crowder… so no.

You can buy this. You spend enough gold and they will find you a full plate group with 29 people to trade every piece of loot that drops to you.

Are you sure? Last I checked he was holed up in a hospital bed with not much better to do…

Yea I just looked it up. 1 grand for that run.

Who the **** would spend money on that.

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Sadly, a lot more than you think. All those guys spamming in trade 24/7 on every server aren’t doing it because no one is buying it.

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I had people paying 4 tokens worth of gold for 1 +15 run in BFA when the patches first dropped. $1,000 is not a lot for some of these people.


1K… That is it? Wow prices have gone down. Last time I looked a +15 was like 800k

He’s talking $1k USD, not 1k gold.

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No that’s nothing in comparison to dropping $1,000.
$100 you won’t think about.
$1,000 I would HOPE you think about.

Go to wow vendor dot com. That’s what it’s selling for.

And mind you, you will get that one @$$hole with more money than time to buy this, but that’s about it. This isn’t for the regular folks out there which are a huge majority of the playerbase. But does PVE really matter to the lot of yall??? PVP I can understand the boosting outrage but for PVE ??? And everybody always brings up only the PVE aspect … as if it ****ing matters.

PvE boosts definitely matter, and it’s not a small minority of people who partake in boosts. Just look at LFG, there are more boost advertisements than actual groups looking to pug. They wouldn’t be advertising there if it wasn’t making them money.

I can’t stand liars and people who over exaggerate.
Don’t sit there and type how there are more boost ads than actual groups. Flat out LIE and hyperbole. I just scoured the entire list. 11 ads I counted among an ocean of LFGs for dungeon groups.

Just stop.

EVEN for Raid tab. 12 among many of just regular pug raid groups and a couple guild advertising.

Im still looking for a reason as to why PVE boosts matter and impact everybody’s game play who chooses NOT to buy runs.