Yes, The Token is Pay to Win

OP eats his own boogers, change my mind.

Unreasonably long is relative. I make more gold than a token every day from passive reselling on the AH. I’m not even actively trying to make gold.

Nope not changing your mind cause your right.

Morty : You have a whole planet… sitting around making your power for you?! That’s slavery!

Rick : It’s society! They work for each other, Morty. They pay each other, they buy houses, they get married and make children that replace them when they get too old to make power.

Morty : That just sounds like slavery with extra steps!


So by your definition Black Desert Online is not pay to win because you can earn everything in game without spending money lmao. What a joke


Your token purchase doesn’t affect goblins, it doesn’t affect anybody, as the gold you receive for token comes from the players, the goods you purchase with said gold come from the players, nothing is being generated in to the economy, so you have zero impact on the game economy.
Hell, you even have a positive impact on the economy if you spend said gold on some gold-sink mounts\BMAH.

There’s no reason to change anyones mind, wow is p2w and wow isn’t p2w based on each persons definition of it :slight_smile:

Until there’s an agreed upon definition this conundrum shall exist


Buying gold woth real money alone is a p2w mechanic. They used to ban people for cheating the systems.

The buying gold always gave anyone an unfair advantage when the game had an actual economy.


So if I spend $20 right now for gold via a WoW token, mythic gear and achievements will be sent in game mail?

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It’s pay to win in the same way mobile games are pay to win

It allows you to bypass time investments

Not as direct as other models, but time investment is the biggest commitment to being geared. Skipping that with cash is a form of pay to win

You pay to skip the work others put in because they don’t pay cash.


Said nothing about gear, just gold and it used to be something that got you a perma ban from game.

When wow actually had a self sufficient economy buying gold was punished cause it created an unfair advantage.

Now buying gold is ok… you can spend your gold how you like… why farm.

People do buy gear with that money… Legendaries… you no longer have to farm it up.
People do buy mythic+ runs which defeats the whole social aspect of the game…


For wow I would say it’s a P2S

Pay to skip which is still an unfair advantage. Why do we pay a monthly subscription at this point?


It’s not our job to change your mind.

It’s your job to convince us.

You’re the one making the argument, so present your findings.


What can you not buy with gold in the current game? The last thing I can think of is the Mage Tower appearances in Legion.

But it requires someone else to spend on making the legendary. Without that, all that wow gold is useless

Yeah pay to skip is more fitting

And in a game based on character progression, paying to skip the core of the game could be considered P2W


The whole game has been changed to support the token system and to get players to buy them.

Gold making in the game has been brought to a bare minimum with RNG, Garrison nerfs, and current game mechanics.

Over priced in game vendor mounts, Also putting unattainable mounts and gear mounts in the game that only elite guilds can get to, also legendries crap are stupid and ridiculously priced on auction house, They killed the guild system, but support arena play and worlds first in turn they use the winners to get the paid carries Rollin for token sales. Yup they are milking the player no doubt with sub fees, token sales, paying for expansions, and supporting guild carries. Opps forgot game store also…

I am sure there will be more coming in the future.

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Buying gold from wow to pay a team to run you through X to get Y sounds like P2W with extra steps…

Whats scummy about it is, they are using other players to make their sales.


I have an idea,

Let’s add a booster market place to the store so players can spend money and blizzard get a direct cut… Would clean up LFG and LFR pretty well.

For some, denial really IS a river in Egypt.