Condemn is like 2% ahead of Kyrian/Night Fae in ST man. We’re undertuned somewhere I would very roughly estimate in the area of 15%. Condemn isn’t nearly as important as you think it is. And there are some fights I think Spear would be incredible for.
How am I gonna post actual numbers and people still say stuff like this
literally 6 posts later
Granted my math isn’t necessarily 100% accurate and I was using rough numbers from only the top parses from each covenant instead of averages, but I’d like to think it’s at least ball park relative.
Numbers confuse people I guess? People just get hung up on “X is best at Y” and just will not freaking let it go. And they’ve got a special love affair with Single Target too. If I was going to name one covenant “Best Overall” it wouldn’t be Venthyr.
I’m all for debate, but man, people get so hung up over numbers and percentages and which ability is topping the charts that I think a lot of people lose sight of the spirit of the game which is to have fun.
To meme on a guildie of mine who talked about Execute being my top or 2nd damage during Ny’alotha. I probably would’ve picked the covenant even if it wasn’t good, didn’t plan on maining my warrior right away anyway since DPS warriors don’t seem to be in a really good spot right now no matter your covenant choice it seems.
Because the look and feel of the covenant resonates with me more than any other (though I’m VERY MUCH looking into an alt to play Night Fae for because of Ysera and Bwonsamdi’s involvement).
It was just a cherry on top that Venthyr was actually one of the better covenants for Arms.
But yeah, they should buff the other three covenants, and it would be nice if they did a tuning pass on Condemn for Prot Warriors, like maybe make it replace Revenge instead of Execute.
No, they should buff Necrolords. Kyrian and Night Fae are already better in plenty of situations, and even a small buff would make them tie or beat Venthyr in single target.
Covenants themselves outside necro really don’t need touched. The class baseline abilities need a heavy adjustment between Fury and Arms (with less so on Execute so that Condemn maintains its advantage replacing it).
well, warrior is already bottom tier, might as well nerf the one good thing. if they gut condemn instead of bring the other’s up, i will quit this game. it’s some kinda joke anyway how bad both dps specs of this class are right now.
no its not silly. comeback when you realize we are at the bottom tier of dps in every shape and form, aka PvP and PvE. Don’t post till you know what youre talking about.
It frustrates me more that blizzard seemingly didn’t take any feedback into account the usability of the necrolord covenant ability rather than marginal dps differences between other perfectly viable choices.
I still stand by it! 70% of fury going one covenant has a reason. Still finding Condemn spam (40-70% damage on fights because you press one button on cd or proc) to be a bit much. Really enjoy AA but normal execute + AA isn’t coming close to condemn but for larger pulls in M+ and even then…
But yes, I do agree buffing the other choices more than changing condemn too much. I just hate to see one highly picked covenant over others for any particular spec/class. There’s usually a performance reason.
Of course, fury is cheeks right now numbers-wise so the spec needs a look at regardless of cov abilities too.