Yes... Deroz probably disagrees with you

That’s just not the case, though. The logic does not follow at all.

It replaces execute, it’s not an entirely new thing. Hence, not taking into account the damage of base execute is rather silly.

Additionally, the other covenants provide things aside from raw damage, I.E. rage. Which is then transferred into damage through other abilities.

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To the surprise of no one. Condemn is the single target choice.
Ancient Aftershock and Spear of Bastion are the AoE options.
Naturally a single target focused ability is going to push out the aoe focused choices on a single target fight.

non venthir execute does not do anything close 40%+ an arms warriors damage.

the top non-venthir log on huntsmen…a fight with lots of opportunity to execute has it at 25%. not even close. on most fights its around 11%… im not aware of other covenents boosting power that much… more should be baked into the baseline and less into condemn is what im saying.

I did not say base execute did 40% of any specs damage.

I want you to stop and think before you try again.

But, that’s not really the case. Condemn does well in aoe situations, and spear/shock do well in st.

I was leaning heavily toward Kyrian, just because I know I’ll regret choosing Venthyr the moment I set foot in a BG.

Still, gargoyle shoulders are what won the day for me.


The big thing is to do what you enjoy honestly. My enjoyment comes from pvp and I truly like the kyrian zone better. I just got lucky it’s arguably the best in pvp scenarios.

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Okay but there’s also 2 parts to that equation.

How much less damage are Condemn warriors doing with the rest of their abilities? Like MS and such.

MS is nothing impressive, and seems to really just be a dot applicator.
Skull spliter is an extra attack when waiting to hit either Condemn, or MS/Execute for non Venthyr.
Slam, well, this button is just absolute trash. Insanely garbage tier. The sound, the look, the damage, everything about it is just pathetic. The only reason I ever touch it is to prevent rage cap.
Colossal Smash/Warbreaker, meh nothing amazing in the damage department. Still feels good though, it’s sound, animation, and actual affect make it acceptable.

so im confused

A toon named Meathole, yesterday was telling me that Condemn is terrible because you are always rage starved.

My warrior, Sharrowkyn, is level 51 atm and is Fae. I do like the ability, but in pvp, I seem to miss with it more than I hit my primary target with it.

Is this guy wrong about condemn? should i switch to Venthyr ?

It’s not unbalanced from most of them. Necro is lagging behind and could use a buff. But even with condemn, Warrior isn’t broken or anything. It’s just people always pick what guides give as the best, no matter what. And it’d happen no matter what, unless they decoupled power from covenants.

Do some research my dude.

Anecdotal evidence is usually not enough to go off of to determine what is true, and that applies IRL as well.

Here’s my anecdotal evidence: I am finding myself rage starved about 10-15% of the time assuming I used my kit correctly and during that time im using over power to set up my next window of rage, or auto attacking as arms.

As fury I am rage starved even less but when I am its because everything is on cool down. Not because of condemn. Condemn builds rage for fury, so I assume youre just talking about arms.

Just for numbers sake I took the top Kyrian warrior on Huntsman and the top Venthyr warrior on huntsman and compared the damage breakdowns, only including abilities that the warriors have control over (no trinkets, etc)…minus Skullsplitter because only one of them was running Skullsplitter. (The Kyrian warrior obviously…though keep in mind if he was running Sudden Death his Execute damage would be higher…)

Here it is:

Venthyr warrior
Condemn 2011 dps
Overpower 646 dps
Dreadnaught 646 dps
Mortal strike 448 dps
Melee 423 dps
Deep wounds 321 dps
Bladestorm 244 dps
Warbreaker 144 dps
Slam 93 dps
Whirlwind 15 dps

Total 5377 dps

Kyrian warrior
Execute 1253 dps
Mortal strike 656
Overpower 552 dps
Dreadnaught 468 dps
Melee 433 dps
Bladestorm 312 dps
Deep wounds 253 dps
Slam 241 dps
Spear 208 dps
Warbreaker 153 dps
Whirlwind 11 dps

Total 4843 dps

Given the margin of error in the rotation and I suspect the Venthyr warrior probably performed slightly better, I hardly see any evidence to suggest that Condemn is even remotely close to “too strong”, especially considering it was roughly only ~11% higher on the damage breakdown than the Kyrian warrior’s Execute. Factor in Spear, and that the Kyrian warrior wasn’t running Sudden Death and that Mortal Strike and Slam combined did significantly more than the Venthyr warrior, you’re looking at a slimmer margin than people are making it out to be.

I’m not sayin Condemn isn’t better, I’m just saying when you do the math it’s probably less than a few % difference.


You replied to me, but I doubt you meant to. As I’m already in agreement that Condemn is not OP. I was commenting on just how our other abilities feel lack luster for the most part.

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For even more fun I cut out a few things and just totaled up the damage of basic rotation abilities: Overpower, MS, Slam, and Execute/Condemn/Spear.

Venthyr warrior came out to 71%. Kyrian was just a couple decimal points short of 70%.

So yeah, the difference is actually pretty small.

Yea I meant to reply to the guys arguing that Condemn making up 40% of a breakdown is too high.

They’re missing a few things in their thought process.

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If you think condem hits too hard, dont looks at MM hunters aimed shot or Pallys TV… you may poop in your pants!


yes- arms most definately

its so OP that warriors dish out the very least amount of dps

pls fix


I literally laughed outloud, not just one of those breathe out your nose laughs, but like an actual, “Ha ha” laugh.

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I agree. I’m really not a fan of the Condemn gameplay but you basically have to take it. Fury is so horribly under tuned though I have no choice. I’d love to be Kyrian instead but without Condemn I’d be dead last in ST for sure. With Condemn I’m still skirting the bottom…