Yep tanks were the problem

Great post. I agree whole heartedly with every point you made. I miss the old way of playing as well, where is was about the journey as well as the destination.

In classic days I used to tank exclusively. I used to love it because the challenge of actually having to pace the group and make sure we weren’t taking on more than we could chew was on me. I liked the feeling of being a bit of a leader, being able to look after others, Especially newer players.

I haven’t tanked in years because of the new style of playing. I tried back in BFA and all that ended up happening for several dungeons was the DPS madly pulling before I could even get aggro. I kept up and we did ok, but it just didn’t feel fun. And heaven forbid a DPS runs forward, pulls 5 mobs and dies….the crap storm of rage that comes towards the tank and healer is unreal.

That said, I have considered getting back into doing actual content again instead of just farming mogs and mounts. But as an older player coming back, it’s a bit overwhelming to even know where to begin with the current state of the game.

How does someone even begin to learn how to fulfill any role when the people you are playing with are veterans that expect perfection at every point? There seems to be little to no compassion or understanding for someone who is new at all.


I don’t like how the tank pulls the entire dungeon and gets everyone killed. They need to give mobs snares or let them start using a snare if the tank pulls too much.

The initial big pull is fine, but the tank continuing to move and pull more through the dungeon is just dog.

tank zergs tanks fault

tank doesn’t zerg dps zergs for them group blames tank for dps and foolish healer that healed them getting killed.

ya see the problem here?

this becomes engrained on the tanks playstyle resulting in…well largely what you see here lol especially when dealing with rather trivial content


Funny because the majority of pugs I am in players tell the tank they are pulling too slow.

yea and taking an extra gcd on a bear for example which has pitiful upfront aggro is enough for a group to start freaking out over it…same group will also freak out and kick the tank if they don’t do that and someone ends up getting curb stomped as a result because you and i both know that dps won’t even let tanks get packs rounded up before the go ham in m+…they certainly aren’t going to do that in heroic and absoutely not in normal

at the end of the day for those of you that pug most of your keys…this is just going to result in a shortage of tanks willing to pug in the short term…given how easy it is for us to find consistant groups.

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Nerfing tank healing didn’t do any favors for the “go go” mentality for pug players anyways. They are still going to play the game this style either way but now that are just going to do it by putting more strain on the healers. Which will add to the healer shortage in pugs as well.

yep in the end it’s purely the larger portion of the dps playerbase that ends up losing the tanks and healers win big time since both roles thrive in organized group settings much more in an organized group setting then a random chaotic pugs

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I think the OP made a post with a saracastic tone and was calling out DPS for their behavior, NOT tanks. This went right over everyone’s head apparently.

Sounds like you got bad rng. I have yet to have a single dungeon where dps were pulling, tank was speed running (except one group).
But that one was m+ exp people because we all dropped puddles around the edges and such. It was a magical pug.

They don’t even care about the healers existence or if they suicide themselves or not. This is beyond all that in Normal dungeons, which don’t matter. It’s just funny.

I just leave and go quest at that point.

Honestly i would like to see a buff to mobs that get tagged by the DPS first so that DPS dies and gets like 1 or 2 shot. Like an enrage from mobs if DPS hits them and pulls them. I think the idea that Tanks and Healers are operating at DPS whims and stupidity means DPS needs to be brought in line. I say that as a DPS since i don’t ever tank and haven’t in a couple of expansions. I do heals though but i can see the problems with rampant bad DPS trying to run through content for the quick purples or whatever.

I think it’s a lack of respect for the group and mobs should smash them.

i would 100% support this lol


I did a run yesterday where when I joined half the dungeon was done.

The tank was gone.

I asked what happened ? They kicked the tank.

Apparently he was going to slow.

I asked a few more questions to find this out. Once they told me I went “ok bye” then left.

I’ll take the 30 minute hit over carrying around rejects. This community is insanely bad.


it is precisely as blizzard has made and encouraged it to be sadly

Basically this. The standard for low (Heroic and Normal) dungeons is just ‘PULL EVERYTHING’.

Not everyone can handle it, it’s not particularly fun but that’s just how people think things should go.

The vote kick feature is abused so much. And it’s promoted because you vote kick and then they get a replacement almost instantly

Tried tanking a few. DPS sprinting into multiple rooms/areas to pull whole thing back to myself and healer then getting stunned/feared etc and dying. Then having racist insults hurled in chat. Finally while responding to that the healer gets kicked.

Yep, wont be tanking again.


They probably saw my thread.


One of the reasons I stopped being a tank is because aggro, as a mechanic, stopped mattering.

Call me old school or whatever you want, but the role of a tank was to know the path and keep the enemies focused on you. Switching targets to maintain aggro.

That, to me, is fun. It was fun to watch the addons and call out the mage or rogue to stop doing DPS.

When Blizzard trivialized aggro, I didn’t bother tanking anymore.

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is it possible the solo dungeons with an “AI” party ruined things?

cauz what you describe works there… maybe it gives the wrong idea to some people.