Yep tanks were the problem

healers need to do a better job

Nah, this has been occurring in trivial content since the birth of the game. Nothing new.

The AI dungeons just gave them an environment to behave this way without annoying others.

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Because of the gameplay. WoW is no longer a game about spreadsheets where most of our rotation is standing around spamming 1. It’s gotten a lot more fast and action based with focusing on us maintaining our damage rotations as the action happens.

And here lies the issue, because aggro as a mechanic is a straight up blockage for this action, since dps becomes punished for doing their intended role and gets forced into situations where the optimal play… is to not play and just stare around.

The tanks role now is less about min-maxing the aggro, and more about tagging the mobs and positioning them appropriately. And have pretty much been like that since wrath, outside of the occasionally brief patch where the devs yearn for a bygone era that always ends the same way.

You still do all those things. You are just less needed to stand around waiting to build aggro while the dps is forced to afk.

It takes a little adjustment but it’s nothing like vanilla. It’s still easy to hold aggro, but inexperienced and/or boost-geared tanks will have problems while leveling with DPS in mythic gear.

I was lucky enough to have found an old-school-oriented guild back in Cataclysm, which allowed me to enjoy that classic raiding environment. Another cool thing my old guild did was run practice arena fights, have class mentors, and engage in World PvP. The most fun memories I have are of raiding faction capitals and doing random battlegrounds, but nothing compares to the fun I had in Wintergrasp. Sadly, World PvP is practically dead now, with everything being phased. Funny enough, when I first started playing, I wasn’t interested in PvP—I never even flagged myself for it.

But one day, I was questing in Tarren Mill, and when I returned, it was a ghost town—every NPC had been killed. Not a single lower-level player was touched, but the NPCs were wiped out. The town had been taken over by the Alliance. Soon after, a guild of Horde players came over to liberate our town. This was my first experience with PvP, and it made me, someone who had never PvPed before, want to take up the banner of watching over this town when I reached a higher level—and that’s exactly what I did. I was filled with faction pride at that moment, watching and talking with the guild members who came to help. Lok’tar Ogar!

But nowadays, War Mode phases you away from being able to see or take part in that kind of experience. If I hadn’t stumbled into PvP like I did back then, But now I might never have started PvPing in today’s system because I wouldn’t have seen those kinds of events.

By the way, I have a whole post I made about guilds titled Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft, and I’m bringing back my old guild that I leveled to max and worked really hard on to unlock everything it has. My goal is to recreate that same atmosphere of camaraderie and loyalty in the guild. It’s tough to bring a guild back when I can’t find any old-school players or even like-minded new members.

Depends on the context/player IMO. Like I giving healers time to drink and what not is perfectly fine, but tanks who just stop for 15 sec for no reason before pulls is dumb and that drives dps players insane because, at least I do, dps players hold procs and stuff at the end of fights to go into the next pull. It kills me that I bank up a 15-25 imp pull for Tyrant on the next pull and the tank just wans to stand there. My guild tank does it and I will literally count down for him that I am pulling because A) I don’t care for whatever stupid meme he finds on iFunny and 2) just like every other dps, we just want to blast.

As confirmed in the Dev interview with Naguura, the Devs said that the changes were made to tanks because they want different damage profiles rather than who does the most AoE damage.

This was/is a balance issue. As a Mistweaver I can just run into a group of 6+ dungeon mobs and spinning crane kick myself to full health. This is such a problem that tanks are really unnecessary. And I have healed ret paladins tanking, without much struggle I might add, pulling the size of groups tanks should pull.

If a DPS or a healer walked into 6+ mobs they should die immediately, but Blizzard made no mention of fixing this. They are just going to make the fights take longer. Best hope end-game had more attention put towards it.

If they don’t fix it, and your healer can manage, probably best to go 4 DPS until leveling up makes you weaker. Horrible advice but if you cant beat em…

What server are you on? I’d be interested to jump into a guild that’s into casual fun with end game content or mythic.

Right now, I’m having issues with my guild. It’s currently inactive, as it was pretty much empty during the three years I was gone—just me and some alts. When I mentioned “my guild” in the post, I was referring to the guild I was part of during Cataclysm. After Mists of Pandaria dropped, that guild slowly died out. However, before that happened, I created my own guild, and I leveled it to max. We did a lot of achievement runs and much more. This is the guild I’m bringing back from the grave, keeping the values from the original guild I was in. If you’re still interested, knowing that I’m building from the ground up again, I’ll get you that info

I’m interested for sure. Just let me know the details and go from there. Thanks!

I agree with you that this is not an enjoyable experience but mutliple things.

  1. This has nothing to do with the tank nerfs. The self healing of tanks was nerfed not their ability to tag mobs, dps or ability to generate threat.

2.Speedrunning through dungeons is what blizzard promotes as the way to do dungeon content. Why do you thing mythic+ is timed and you need to achieve the times by not standing still.

  1. This form of speeding through dungeons has been a thing at least since challenge mode was introduced in 2014 which required to do the dungeons as fast as possible designed that way by blizzard realisically way earlier I remember doing this in wotlk because the dungeons were so easy noone saw anything as a threat and you just wanted your daily dungeon for the currency.

The probblem you are describing would only be fixed if blizzard introduced a new form of dungeon conent where its not about speed and you get the rewards for diffcult dungeons regardles of how much time you need and additionally make the dungeons so diffcult / introduce a punishment for dying in a dungeon so people get more careful and slow down.

But…. You’re lvl 10…

tanks used to be the immovable objects but now it seems dps can decide to kick them willy nilly

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Those were heroics in BC and cata, and the ice crown dungeons in wrath.

Kalnazzar#1737, please add me and message me in-game so I can give you the invite code to the guild. :slight_smile: Sorry about the delay; work has been brutal. We’ve lost a few workers at my job and have been working six-day weeks. Things should cool down soon as more people are applying. Unfortunately, the guild is stuck on the realm Korgath because I missed the deadline during the announcement of the retirement of guild realm transfer services. However, I’ve advocated for allowing cross-realm GM promotions. You can read more about these efforts in my posts: “Request for Cross-Realm Guild Master Promotion”, “Revitalizing Guilds in World of Warcraft”, and “Request for Cross-Faction Guild Achievement Integration”. I currently play on the realm Hellscream with my wife.