Yep tanks were the problem

As the last couple dungeons I’ve been in the DPS are running full sprint pulling everything and I’m having to struggle to tag stuff. The healer was trying their best and a some DPS died so the healer was ultimately kicked from the group. I think well maybe it’s just this group but nope every dungeon DPS race through no cares for the tanks or healers


This is why I’d like to see at least a small xp boost for follower dungeons.


Think they should just do wall to wall pulls like ff14 so pull size/pace is always predetermined


Aggro back again as a “mechanic”?

We know quite clearly now that it just doesn’t work with how rest of the game works.


Strangers gonna strange.


nty, that craps dull as heck


What you’re referring to has absolutely no relation to the tank changes that happened awhile back. None of that is going to become noticeable until M+ in regards to people who actually know how to play the game.

The scenario you’re likely involved in is just a tank who has absolutely zero idea how to play their spec/class and DPS being frustrated that the dungeon is going to take 10x longer because of it.


No tank changes were out in because they wanted tanks to slow down and now tanks are slower but DPS are wanting faster

I was the tank? I’d pull an entire room and die would start running into the next room to pull even more. At what point am I supposed to be stopping to tank or should I run through the whole dungeon and let everyone get the fast experience they desire only to be called a bad tank for not keeping aggro on everything


That’s why i said “in regards to people who actually know how to play the game”

The current difficulty for content at this very moment is neglible for players who actually know what they’re doing.

At the current difficulty levels your DPS should be mowing down any packs that get in the way before the tank is in any trouble, and that’s pretty well without the healer doing anything or even being there.

I suppose I should have also added that the DPS need to atleast have half a brain too.

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This is why I haven’t tanked a full blown random instance in about seven or eight years.
If I don’t have at least one friend or guild member with me, I’m not doing it. I have no time nor patience to deal with a bunch of ADHD addled overgrown children that are going to become verbally abusive the moment I try to run an instance my way, or I try to get them to slow down because I’m a guide and realize there’s a new player in the group.

I’ve been saying for a long time now that Blizzard needs to try to bring the pace down a bit and not be so damn focused on trying to make clearing dungeons quickly an eSport. That more than anything else is what creates this environment we have.

It doesn’t have to be the glacial pace that Classic was at times where you have to have everyone aware of kill orders, constantly watch your pulls versus other packs/patrols in an area, etc. but at the same time it doesn’t need to be this zero attention span “GOGOGOGO!” rush to the end either.


Idk I just had this vision in my head that I was going to level my alts in dungeons and get to explore their kits but after doing a few today idk if I’ll have fun just rushing them like this.

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When i get in groups with dps like that i assume that means they’re intending to give me a free ride and just afk. After attempting to vote kick them

Guessing this is in leveling dungeons with low 70s? Scaling makes low 70s overpowered which interestingly goes to their heads and they start to play like they’re in MoP remix sometimes.


I just assume that if they keeping intentionally doing it they want to tank and just don’t pull off em.


Its an interesting thing coming back from leaving in TBC. Used to be that if dumbass DPS pulled aggro they corpsed almost immediately and healers focused on tanks didnt much care–control your aggro. Now we have DPS blitzing through dungeons acting as tanks because there is no penalty for it. Tanks used to be needed, now you just need to have them to start then ignore. Even priests can tank! Its broken. Whats the point of classes and roles at all? Just give everyone a damage, healing, and armor buff and everyones a do it yourself center of the universe do everything character–perfect.

Nothing like playing alone while in a group.

Great work.


One reason I’m looking forward to m+, ya don’t run into those players nearly as often.


General rule: If the pullers aren’t dying then they are fine to keep doing that or the tank needs to step up their pulls.

I feel like it’s a problem with multiple root causes.

Part of it is the fact that the basic flow of normal dungeons has been considerably nerfed in favor of this playstyle for some time. Gear inflation is also a big one. This nonsense really started to become noticeable for the first time around Wrath. The start of an expansion is also intended to be a gear reset. Cata did its job in that regard, but then people complained that it was “too hard”, and Blizzard overcorrected.

Since then, they’ve brought in Challenge Mode/Mythic Plus, which is literally a difficulty level that has the instance on a timer to clear it. That’s not helping matters either.

And really, coming into TWW, despite the fact that the start of an expansion is supposed to be a gear reset, people are coming in with DF epics and/or pre-launch catchup gear that is high 400/low 500 on item level. When the green questing gear is WEAKER than your gear from the last expansion at the start of a new one, then of course you’re going to be OP compared to a natural 1-80 leveling curve. I didn’t start replacing gear myself until level 73.

Going to be real interesting to see how these dungeons at 70-73 actually play if someone jumps into LFD and gets a group of folks that are all freshly leveled and in sub-400 gear :laughing:

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Pls do that on M+20 and I would be the first one to kick you out.

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Good job, now somebody who was trying to learn to tank no longer wants to. Enjoy your queues.