Yep another one

Is my response to that.

exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

so if 10 5 man groups all que from the same community in your world that would require 10 seperate bg instances?
i doubt there are more than 3 epics bgs running at the same time in our region. not a reasonable request.

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There is no exploitation here nor a bug.

Just some kids playing the game as its been designed.

Just like making a twink.

yes, because that is what is allowed by blizzard it is 100 reasonable to ask people not to exploit and ruin the game for others.

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This was a point i made earlier.

The only reason this is reliable at all, and the reason why bliz wont “fix it”, is because there isnt a big enough population to begin with.

Its not the players fault there arnt enough matches starting at any given time that if they press the qeueue buttom at the same time there is a solidly good chance to be put into the same match.

On top of this, the system matches groups to group. Which means any time there is a 5 premade on the other side, there is a 5 man premade on “your” side.

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so reasonable to you is too many games to fill and everyone waits in longer ques?

it’s not every time and it also does not count the other 5-man groups reliably so they will most of the time go in against a majority of randoms unless they go against another premade but they actively avoid other groups.

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Go make friends

i do have friends we just don’t cheat lol

Then they must not be very fun friends because of all the whining you do here .

where am I whining?

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All over the pvp forums

how is stating a real and obvious problem “whining”?

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Its not cheating. They plah the game as it is designed. There js no exploit, no bug.

But lets just take a moment and say you are right. What would blizzard actually do about it?

Ban them for pressing the queue button as the same time as other players? That literally happens everytime a match is made?

Playing with coms? Cant ban that or alll preformed pve raid groups are done.

Literally what is actually banable here?

sync que is not how the game is designed it’s actually designed to not allow that… therefor exploiting and exploiting is cheating.

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Oh ok. So I should look to join these groups. Thanks.

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I like your helmet-face.


Thanks, same. I switch between the red and white set when I get bored lol. Such a good tier set this season.

What is sync queing? Pressing the button at the same time? How is that an exploit. It

Everytime you press the queue button, crazy thing, you synced up with several other people.

Its literally the design.

The faster queues pop, the more people queueing at the same time.

Besides, as far as exploits go, if this was considered an exploit to blizzard it would be very minor and probably wouldnt get any one banned any ways.

Its not like the unfair advantage is alchemy resets for following certain steps to make millions of gold in a couple hours. Which got fixed not quickly, no bans, and no roll backs on accounts that did it.

Or the D4 exploit to get ultra rare drops putting people drastically ahead of others, but again, no bans or roll backs. And blizzard commented about that onr and said the exploit didnt have a significant enough impact on the overall game to warrent any form of punishment.

At the end of the day, what you are calling an exploit is not actually an exploit. Its just how the game works and it will continue to happen untill blizzard changes how the game works. Such as my suggested pure solo queue with unrestricted group size for non solo queue. Combine this with things like unrestricted factions and escalating account wide punishment for leavers, afkers, etc. Then and only then will we be able to start fixing some players percieved issues.

And it is a perception thing. Its not an exploit by any means and its no one is doing anything thats bannable.