Yep another one

If you want a group of people who are going into a bg in order to utilize strategy and other wise communicate and work together the way you are supposed too.

If you want to yolo 360 fps no scope noobs on the roads in between objects then go solo.

It’s circumventing the system that is in place… that is exploiting how many times do I need to explain it to you?

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How is it circumventing anything at all?

If i queue and then you queue and we end up in the same bg, did we circumvent the system so we can fight on the roads?

You would say no.

But if 5 man group a and 5 man group b do it, suddenly the same exaxt sitation is?


You need to explain what they are doing that is circumventing the system.

All you are doing is saying they are cheating cuz they queued up. You are not explaining how or what they use to circumvent anything.

the game allows for a max of 5 people to que together… they are going around that system… circumventing it allowing for a raid to join together.

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So there are 35 man groups queue? As in they are in a premade 35 man group with one raid leader and that raid leader hits queue and they all join the match?

nope they are sync queuing to avoid the 5-man limit.

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if you queue up with 5, and you get into a game with another group of 5 by pure accident, should one group /roll to see who /afks?

nope but that’s not what you are doing.

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The tale of Sissyfits is my favorite WoW tragedy.

so then it doesn’t really matter if more than 5 get in does it?

Ok so they sre pressing rhe queue button at the same time.

This is an exploit?

it does if you are doing it on propose to get an unfair advantage, and that is what you and your “friends” do.

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What about it is unfair

why? the outcome is the same regardless of the intention.

how is it the same outcome?

are you suggesting that 10 people who know each other and have played hundreds of games together will suddenly not play together in an instance of accidental pairing because it was not an intentional sync?

if it’s by accident sure whatever knock yourself out but why are you trying to pretend that’s what happens?
Also I notice you never answer my questions lol

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Im still waiting for them to explain what makes it unfair. To me the only difference are the fact that the groups stay together and work together to play the objective. You dont even need coms for that.

And, pug groups can, and sometimes do, do the same thing.

The only difference is mentality. Solo players tend to be defeatist and give up instantly while grouped people tend to fight out the obj win or lose. So premades tend to win more based on that alone.

I have explained it many times lol you just don’t like the truth.

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