Yep another one

Notice how you avoid showing where i said what you claimed

Tbh, Epic Premading doesn’t even bother me that much. Sometimes I’m against one, and sometimes there’s one on my side. It’s the grandstanding on the forums that I can’t stand.

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skill is not an unfair advantage lol stop with the gaslight and strawman arguments bud

notice how you think every sas group is 40 people and that it’s impossible for one or 2 groups to wtfpwn a team of players more concerned wirh “whos got a tmog mount” instead of AV strats.
rushing the end isn’t a strat.

where did I say I thought that? please provide evidence.

sure it is, there is also natural talents of which we are all gifted differently. each of us has our strengths and weaknesses, tasks which rely on something you are weak in but others strong will be an unfair situation for you. this is why grouping up is so important, you bring in people with strengths that compliment your weaknesses and visa versa and you create something unstoppable.

sure, but that’s not the argument your unfair advantage is bringing a raid of people into content where it is not allowed.

Exhibit A


you could go elsewhere

No. Literally they are just simply listening to the shot caller and following instructions. Thats all.

This is something that can be accomplished with no group but is often met with “st*u dont tell me how to play” type responses or generally ignoring chat.

There is nothing actually special about it. People will say they can communicate. But its not just that there is communication but that the people grouped are willing to listen and ollow said commjnication and they group because they are tired of playing with people who refuse to communicate.

Its a bg and they are fairly slow paced and all comminication can be done in chat as long as people are willing to participate.

how many groups, in your opinion, is an ok amount to be placed into the same bg?

I can’t. I’m networking.


they can do that within the allowed parameters as well nobody care that they are playing together people care that they are exploiting.

one 5 man like the game allows.

But you declared it in a statement and further the statement with arguements to back up your point of view.

So its not nice try gg next. Thats literally what you are doing.

Its in the samw context of twinks. People who twink a character are simply playing the game as intended. Min/maxing gear, enchs, and sockets to have bis stats in order to have the most value out of ther gear when going into pvp. Everyone does this. Its the main progression of end game.

But for some reason if you do it sub max level people lose their mind, say its cheating or esploiting and should be removed completely. Why? Because they lost. Simple as that.

They are doing it with in the perameters.

The only way for them not to is to hack/3rd party apps that circumvent the restriction for a full preformed raid queueing.

This is allowed by the game, sync que groups are going around the in-game system how is this hard to understand?

Oh, so it is allowed. Got it.

read the whole thing bud not just what you want to hear. I put the comma for you.

I did. What you said was that they are allowed to do it sync groups. Bud.

Its either allowed or not. You cant have it both ways.

What is allowed: people trying to queue sync their 5 man groups. It either works or doesn but no garantee it does. No hacks, addons, or 3rd party programs are required.

Not allowed: 35 man preformed raid groups queueing. This would require one of the above outside code manipulatives to fundementally circomvent the restrictions that stop this.

This is what I said
Replying to your

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