Yep another one

I played MM even when it was doo doo. It’s not as good as BFA or SL now, but I enjoy it. What I really want is a talent that equates to deep coral pods. Can you imagine how much fun that would be?

Been playing hunter since classic. I would honestly love to have Cata MM Hunter back. Or at least I think it was Cata. Wasn’t there a time when we could cast Aimed Shot while moving?

I think so. My brain is fried, so I don’t remember a lot of things.

During Cata I was coming out of my college years, so everything from back then is fuzzy. Pretty sure I once found a nug in my PC tower years after.

Blow it off and light it up! :smiley:

I understand the concept of winning with numbers very well. Been dealing with for my entire MMO gaming career.

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this is not disputed, however, my position is that this was simply overlooked. the fact that now we have told everyone how to do this and multiple communities are springing on up both factions clearly indicates larger community demand for the ability to queue as a raid. however, its important to understand that everyone sees and accepts the problems that would come with allowing full 40 man raids to queue. perhaps syncing is in fact the best middle ground for everyone, but then what we are doing is debating which is worse: the premade raid who drops 5 queues to get a raid in to farm, or the inevitable increase in bully premades that would come with full raid queueing.

Could be they are running 5mans and managed to get into the same bg with no planning. Ive had that happen a few times.

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I think it’s too controversial to touch. If they say “No more epic premades”, people will quit. If they say “Open the floodgates and allow raids to queue” people will quit. By staying silent or “neutral” no one leaves and it’s just business as usual. Everyone will whine and complain… and continue to log in.


Networking is when you are getting to know people in a similar space for your own personal goals. A Service Agreement is when you and another party are working towards mutual goals.

Epic Premades are more of a Service Agreement.

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it’s not controversial at all it’s simple, people are cheating, and they need to stop.

but that isn’t necessarily the case, i may be friends with someone, who is also friends with someone else, we all end up in a party together and i play with someone who is a friend of a friend. who know you know determines who you can meet, which in turn determines how far you can go.

a service agreement is for like an ISP or something, you and your ISP don’t have a mutually shared goal, you can accomplish your own goals with the exchange of goods for service, but its not like you are on a team with comcast to deliver you the worst customer service experience.

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are you’re telling me in every bg SAS joins (1 group or 7 groups) each person on the other team has qued solo?
the game matches groups with groups. a group of 2 or a group of 5 it doesn’t matter. expecting every other person in the wowverse to solo que just because thats “how you play” is selfish.
be better.

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again, where did I say everyone should solo que? I said people should not cheat.

Either cata or mop with aspect of the fox or something idr. Either way i didnt hate cata mm. I hated the monkey pet.

Kicking the monkey poop cast was fun tho

I also hated cata thug. But thats because my friends made me play mage for their RMP so i just got deleted so fast.

you also claim anything you personally deem unfair to be cheating

where have i done that please provide your evidence

ten characters

that’s blizzard not me but good try :slight_smile:

super sekret win code:


according to that logic players who are good enough to reach the curve on the pareto distribution of skill should be banned because it is unfair to players on the flat line.