Yep another one

Maybe i like chaos. Idk im an art teacher.

They are not premafe raids.

They are 5 man groups queueing at the same time.

This has been dubbed as queue syncing.

And raids are formed by 5-man groups.

Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, etc.

Which is why i say there sould be a solo queue and then normal ebgs that allow large groups.

Sure but there’s not and these “friend groups” are ruining the game for everyone else

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Yall do realize they make these threads then sit around in their discord eating popcorn watching everybody fight, right?

I’ll tackle this since it seems to be the main theme of your post.

This is what we both believe, we just take it in two different directions. Whether or not it was designed for a certain BG or not is irrelevant and pure speculation. The facts are it exists. You are right about one thing. These people are humans with stories and deadlines and things get overlooked. They added a restriction, your side exploits that restriction. The rest is just simply overlooked.

It isn’t networking. What you’re doing is more closely aligned with a service agreement.

If this is the point you want to die on then sure.

Yes, you are correct. PREMADE raids are not allowed.

Please explain how 35 man premade grousp (everyone is in the same exact raid with onr group leader that queues for everyone) are circumventing restrictions to queue for ebgs.

Or 10 man groups in bgs.

Art is an expression of the self, or as an anime character I once knew said, “The fists are the way for someone to express their soul.”

Anyway, I’m just passing through the thread, as I do most of them. Weird that a lot of the talk really is just “X is allowed, Y isn’t, Q is allowed, D is” page 5, chapter 6, revelation four, etc etc. I really do feel like I’m listening to an argument of faith, or at least zealotry. At worst it’s just inventive and lazy.

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Even if there were a solo queue, you’d still have premade communities queue syncing 30+ “solo” players to get their premade raids into the same bg.

And then claiming it’s not a raid. Just 30+ people getting onto the same team. Reliably.


Yes thank for explaining what a raid is. Can you explain how a preformed raid queues in the current system for me please?

I mean thats what im doing. Im literally waiting on my daughter to finish fall volleyball training before driving home so i can enjoy my last weekend before school starts back up.

I also stated there should be more sever penalties for leaving both matches and if it continues to be a real issue, not accepting queues.

Other pvp based games do this as well. If you miss a queue, reasons dont matter, you are given an escelating leaver timer and put into a leaver queue where you play against other people who have similar behaviors.

Excuse me, sir. I’m eating a sandwich.

Plus, in the discord while this is happening we are discussing Goldeneye and Conkers Bad Fur day.


I’ll have you know, I’m behind 7 discords.

Oh. Daughters done. Have to drive home. I will check back eventially.

It is known. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re in that discord! When this thread started they were talking about how silly MM hunters are. Do you know how difficult that was for me to watch?

My question as an ultra casual pvp when I’m bored type, don’t the parole in these groups still have to be good? I’ve run with guildies in groups but we didn’t steamroll anyone.

Are these parties doing more than hitting join as party at the same time? If not it’s def not cheating, however if they are using add-ons to bypass blizzard systems that prob is.