Yep another one

This place really is just a playground. Teacher’s been absent all morning. *take note of the scud humper above me

what blizz wanted around 8.0 was to force you into seething shore, and in order to do that they needed to get rid of the blacklist, and in order to do that, they would need to move the epics to their own queue because the epic community and random community could not overcome their diffierences when it came to removing the blacklist. the random community wanted the 40 mans removed from the game while the long time fans of large scale pvp didn’t. moving epics to their own queue was the solution, but they didn’t do much more than that.

you have this idea that the devs sit around thinking of every possibility and if they didn’t so something it was for valid reasons, but in reality they are humans with stories and deadlines, things just get overlooked.

the 5 man limit was originally for WSG, not AV, the lack of being able to queue as a raid for epics was most likely just an oversight due to having only 3 pvp devs total during an expansion launch crunch.

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I know the steps taken in order to get into, what they hope, is a the same bg.

That doesnt explain how they are purposefully circumventing the restrictions.

They are not using addons, 3rd party programs, or automation.

They are literally just pressing the queue button and, key word, hoping its the samge queue pop and same bg.

The fact ita reliable is directly related to player population. Not because of an exploit allowing them to circumvent rules or restrictions.

Literally playing the game as is.

But still, a situation that could be fairly easily fixed.

Add solo queue. Allow bg eng premades in non-solo queue. But of course this would split the already deminishing population so is unlikrly to happen.

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For someone who quickly points to anyone who gainsays them (and is usually right) as being “delusional”, you are incredibly delusional. You ever stop to wonder that your team doesn’t tend to win in PvP because you spend more time whining about it than you do playing it, and anyone who can kill you MUST be a cheater?

You ceased making a coherent point… actually, you never HAVE made a coherent point. It sounds to me that you stink at PvP, and you want to take it out on everyone else. Get over yourself.

please show where I am delusional.

You mean to tell me that people in these epic bg communities NEVER do arena?

I find thst highly unlikely to be accurate.

The OP. Nuff said.

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You used to be able to queue for WSG with a full group of ten. Why do you think they changed that?


No i am here. Just pushing along the discussion.

Its good to encourage open dialogue.

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do you not understand the concept of networking?

not “nuff said” please explain more lol

You want me to explain how they’re bringing their premade raids into a bracket that’s not supposed to have premade raids?

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The usual suspects consider “discussion” to be broken clock rhetoric and appeals to authority. You’re giving them a lot of credit.

Its not allowed to qroup as a 35 man raid and have the leader queue the full raid.

That should be allowed.

What we are talking about are several 5 man groups queuing at the same time and managing to get into the same match.

Yall are arguing that shouldnt be aloud.

Sure it should be allowed but they should go against people doing the same

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the mog tho

We’re arguing it’s currently not allowed.

We can agree on that right?

You’re currently not allowed to queue premade raids into random bgs.

specifically they did a bunch of changes all at once to address GY camping in WSG. before this there wasn’t a timer, you could cap 2 and then just GY farm for hours. a bunch of changes were made at the time to stop this specific activity. 15 years later, people can still GY camp WSG, so that didn’t change, but the duration is limited and the timer ends the game.

you guys act too much like the blues are gods and debate like rabbi, imams, and preachers about what so and so must have meant when they wrote something way back when. stop and look at what blizzard is, not what you want it to be. it is a software company with overworked and underpaid and undervalued staff who get harassed and treated like crap by both their customers and their bosses. mistakes and oversights happen, they don’t indicate some hidden meaning or intention.

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yeah, I take it back, this isn’t a playground, this is a holy city THE HOLY LAND

In one of my post i explained how this was allowed but people complained about it. Loudly. And they didnt know how to resolve the complainers so they simply restricted the group size.

Bliz has always wanted people to play their mmo in groups cuz its an mmo.

Over time its slowly becoming a solo queue only, no community, no grouping meme of an mmo because to many people feel like their entitled opinion matters more than the devs vision of what the game should be. And because of this, the corporate side only talks in dollar signs and thus the devs are forced to change their game to appease the loudest complainers whether its good or bad for the game or what they devs want the game to be like.

Size restriction is not and never was part of the game design that blizzard wanted. That is something certain players demand because they can be bothered to find people to play with in an mmo.

This is the same exaxt thing people are constantly telling RSS people when they complain thst rss is killing 2s and 3s because rss players cant be bothered to find partners to play with even though its an mmo and that is the literal point of playing an mmo.

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