Yep another one

Ageed. I ahve far more issue playing against gu campers than i do premades.

I still dont understand why they dont put lol fountain like protections on gy or a overwatch like protected spawn points.

This one isn’t about epic BGs, however. But, it will probably end up that way.

So are the “syncers”. They arnt doing anything the game doesnt allow with in the confines of the deisgn nor is it agaisnt any rules

I mean all people are doing are literally group as 5 (allowed) pressing the queue button (umm, allowed) and leaving games if they arnt in the same bg (unfortunately allowed).

Best way to break this is:

1 - true solo queue with no groups more than 2 period.

2 - more severely escelating account based leaver bans.

You are being kind of a clown here. Queue-syncers try to stack the field so much in their favor in order to make the outcome predetermined with little to no challenge.

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so am i.

you think i couldn’t hack the game and demonstrate real cheating if i wanted? same thing with the forums, there’s a thousand+ people in SAS, i could easily call in backup to the forums or in game or any situation. you have this idea that i am sitting here taking every single possible advantage i can when in reality i am just playing to have fun. you are demonizing people for no reason other than you are upset about losing and want to attack perceived advantages you don’t think you are capable of achieving, you are capable, go try.


All of them just playing with their very closest of frens.

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isn’t it? oh my mistake lmao. I immediately assumed it was.

lol you are the mostly insanely delusional person I have ever met and that’s not easy because there some very delusional people out there congrats. You are demonizing yourself I am simply pointing out the truth and you hate that most of all.

The original post was about normal BGs, but now that the epic BGers are here it is about epic BGs.


supposed “delusional insanity” isn’t enough to stop me from meeting people and making friends, what’s your excuse?

Its a community of like minded players that enjoy large and small scale pvp combat.

In a competition, what do you call people who circumvent restrictions for an unfair advantage over other teams?


What excuse do I need? I don’t cheat to win lol

Should have known it was only a matter of time until Inemia showed up.

The bottom line is, if Blizz wanted people to PvP in groups larger than 5 people, then blizz wouldn’t have made a restriction to try and prevent it. This whole “Well anyone can do it” is just nonsense. Anyone can do anything. I run the stop sign next to my house all the time. I don’t get pulled over, never have. Not even a warning. It doesn’t make it legal, it just means the cops don’t come to my neighborhood.

Keep your filth restrained to Epics, please.


Of course its cheeting.

Explain how these people are circumventing restrictions?

you don’t do enough to win either.

If they don’t get the same queue pop, they drop queue and requeue. They repeat this process until they get enough parties with synced queue pops.

They’ve literally formed communities around this because they can reliably get their premade raids into random bgs.

So we agree. It’s currently NOT allowed.

They originally did. That was the point of the pvp side of the game. Large scale open world pvp.

People who didint want to participate complained.

They maid bgs and ebgs. Originally allowed to group so you couldnplay with friends and community.

People complained.

They restricted groups down to reduce complaining and didnt know how else to resolve the issue while still keeping the game mostly as it is/was, with minimal work and money spent.

Not because they dont want people to play together.

lol because you cheaters are everywhere

A group of 1000+ people that enjoy “small scale combat.” Please, keep on going!
