Yep another one

I went ironic with a female gnome qith big green hair and eyes. Plan on having all green xmog later to finish it off.

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Just specific queue epics mate, like the old system.

You either queue random or queue for a max of 3 specifics.

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Boy howdy, that was quick.

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or you could make some friends and join the party.

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I like playing solo, i’m a rogue.

TBF I mostly play a dwarf warrior currently so you’ll see me in av.

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rogue is not synonymous with solo, one of our best community leaders mains rogue and the class is capable of amazing clutch plays in epics.


It’s not synonymous but it’s why I enjoy being solo. It’s a choice.

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exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.


my gearing and enchants are cheating?


where did i say that? that is allowed in the game playing in 40-man groups is not allowed therefor cheating.

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I dont disagree with any of this. My main arguement is that this should be allowed.

There are 2 groups, as we already talked about.

Large group communities and small group communities.

Many people in the small group community catagory are asking for a true solo queue. I am one of those people because i am in a raiding guild and i more or leas the only one that pvps because o like it. Although ive been burnt out for past couple weeks.

The other group are people that love largescale combat so look for pvp communities to play with. These people shouldnt be limited either.

Epic bgs should be open to full raids. But before it will feel fair for people in the second category, there also needs to be a true solo queue.

It is allowed… in wargames and RBGs

When you pug, you still play with other players.

You’re allowed to play with up to 4 friends in random bgs. When you have more than that, games become very one-sided and uncompetitive.

Blizzard put in premade size restrictions in random bgs for the growth and health of the PvP community. Premade raiders are circumventing those restrictions for an unfair advantage and they’re driving legit players away from PvP.


I think it should be supported. But it’s not, so it’s exploiting. and until it’s supported even if it’s just making them queue into eachother.

I’m not saying “oh if blizzard says it’s ok then it’s ok.” i just want it to function well. Currently it’s a dumb system that ends up with empty lobbies and sad players.

Playing vs premades is usually pretty fun unless it’s a gy camp.


i literally just quoted you saying it, you can click the quote to see your original post unless you deleted it.

your point is about an unfair advantage, sync queueing is an advantage, but it is not an unfair advantage, you have the opportunity to do this as well making it fair.

And should be allowed in epics too. That was their original intent. Large scale combat.

gearing is part of the game… therefor not an unfair advantage

unfair advantage?
teamwork is OP needs nurf.


like i said, you want equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity, i don’t think pvp or even wow is a good game for you until you change.

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I am playing how the game allows you are exploiting and cheating… why are you trying to pretend I am the bag guy? You are insanely delusional bud.