Are communities and chat part of the game? Do you have to download anything? Are there any extra steps that you have to jump through to join a community? Are you required to find them outside the game?
Is raiding in a guild group cheating? You have to click exactly the same buttons to find a guild. Or must you form the raid with only people standing outside the raid?
I got a cute little corsair with the 12 key thing on the side, Spent the last two season of shadow lands relearning a 100 years of playing by point and click. I now have serious advantage it really is night and day in response time. Unless I hit 6 instead of three then I just look dumb…
They don’t queue-sync to get 10-15 people in, it’s just a 5 man group and while the matchmaking isn’t great in normal BGs there is a much higher chance that they face another premade in a normal BG than a premade facing another premade in an epic BG.
Not a bad description, honestly. The player base no longer follows a normal bell shaped curve. It is skewed on the extremes, hence the overall low quality of BGs.
I legit saw the quote from another thread about something else I think, but yeah I think it fits. Not mutually exclusive either- but that ain’t so bad.
So does your entire post and everything you said too.
Which is exactly why i keep saying, mutliple times, to you and several others, the best solution is to add a solo queue AND unrestrict the current bg and ebg queues.
A place for everyone.
Because unlike you, im here to have a discussion about solutions not try cry and attack everyone who disagrees with me.
Not a false equivalence when the primary argument in this post is whether or not people should be allowed to group in order to enjoy a specific type of content. This argument is revolving around being restricted to group or not.
So its not false equivalence because we are talking about grouping. There are plenty of people who only pug raids as well as communities/guilds that never pug because they do not want to play with randoms.
If you suddenly make it taht a person cannot add people from the same guild or community beyond 5 in order to do the current seasons raid, there would be outrage and everyone would be saying very similar things that are being said here about how you should be allowed to group because its an MMO.
If you dont want to play against grouped people in an MMO then dont play an MMO.
8 years to changed it and 8 years to ban it if they were going to.
Never mind the fact that when i pointed out to them that blizzard has banned people for simply exploring using nothing but what was in the game and no addons, i get called a liar.
Then when i provide receipts, silence on that subject and return to the circle.
This thread is pointless. Its simply two opposing points of view and both believe they are correct.
At the end of the day though, its still an mmo and you are supposed to do content with other people. Thats how it was orginally designed, thats how all mmos are designed, and I will not change my mind that blizzard would actually prefer it this way but they need to placant people who complain to much so they can keep this 20 year old cash cow mooing.
Because they only ban if you use it to your advantage… I asked for you to show me but you couldn’t because there is nothing to show… stop lying honestly
ya know we should really be talking about the premade problem in trial of style, not pvp. these guys have no taste and keep voting for their friends instead of good fashion.
The problem is you are making the assumption that its a flaw. It is your perception of what you want the game to be that you put into your argument of what blizzard “intended”.
Like whats been pointed out, they have had plenty of time to change it and they didnt. Either they think its fine, or they like it.