no i mean the old blue has the idea that an organized group is queueing with the assumption of queueing into a disorganized group. and that just isn’t true, random queues are random, you never know what you will get. the organization is a way for players to gain skill and learn in an environment of random chaos. order vs chaos.
additionally blues do not sit atop of mountain of wisdom or experience when it comes to pvp, many of the people doing some sort of organized unrated pvp have more time spent playing wow pvp than many devs have had working for blizzard.
Really desperate to reach out on that one, huh. The point is that I think we’re on our own on the matter. The last prophet of the blue posts was who? How long ago? For what reason? These posts are pulled like pieces of scripture/ What names do we want for our denominations? I will personally settle for the “Beneviolent Foundation for Krazy Cids”
Well, you are right. I honestly don’t know what Blizz could do. You state that they can fix it in a day. How? Bans don’t work, you’ll all just come back. Harsher restrictions on the queueing system would have negative impacts on the rest of PvP.
comprehension matters more than proper grammar. proper grammar where you dot every i and cross every t, capitalize your i, and say mary and i instead of me and mary, is just to show off how educated you are, much like queen’s english is just to show off how upper class you are.
internet discussion is a lot more informal, and works more like flow of thought than a proper letter from 1895, so thoughts and points are generally separated by comma so the point as a whole can be made comprehensible to readers. im not looing to flaunt my education, so i don’t need proper grammar, but i do need to be comprehendible.
Cross faction queues. Get rid of the mercenary system. It was a band aid anyway.
Cross faction queues would mean that any group could be facing each other. It would shorten queue times. It would increase the chances of win trading. But that would be honestly negligible.
I wish the first response wasn’t to punish people.
I was hyperbolic in a day’s timespan, but the idea that a better game system doesn’t already exist- or couldnt exist here is moot. Nearly any and every other game gives me a better play experience, the only thing WoW offers specifically is that it’s a shell of it’s MMO self. I have more fun engaging MBTs in War Thunder with my dinky maxim machine guns-
World of Warcraft needs love. For all the talk of wargames- they stuffed that feature under the rug. There used to be on par gear you could buy with gold, so you could slum it with even big pvp boys, but that got tucked away after WoD. This game has compromised itself for its own visage of novelty, so yeah, we are screwed, but I didn’t strangle the game to bring it here. The game, so-to-speak- sold itself out until the only players remaining are “dumb or dedicated”, so yeah, I think we’re screwed.
look at this point im ready to make any bluerobed fool eat cake, at this point im just asking folks to come with me
i almost want to pass this around and have people read it out loud and record the various enunciations and inflections and their impact on the meaning.
they gotta wait for the right ripcord moment to offset declining subs, it’s blizz’s own spec of healing- triaging their past mistakes with MORE mistakes
im in doomsayer mode, mark my words, the end already happened, we’re living in it- REPENT, REPENTTT
Yeah, I’m so “happy” the merc system is only used to expedite craphouse queues instead of pooling players for better matchmaking. More games means MORE conquest scraping, faster gains WOW SO COOL gains GAINS GAINS- I’m so HAPPY I can reroll to whatever fotw is the most overtuned, golly gee.
It’s like someone built a nice wooden desk, hand-carved, real good wood, and over the years each repair and change has turned it into a splintering mess that’s a danger to anyone willing to keep sitting at it.
soooo… no one should GEAR because unless everyone else has the same I-level they are cheating.
I mean I would hate to be that guy that has level appropriate gear or even BOA’s and kill some dumb noob who is wearing I-level 8 gear from “Exiles Reach”… this is giving me an advantage.
Yup. Turn off chat. Anyone using chat is cheating. Play with a controller. Anyone who is not playing with a controller is cheating. The list of possible angles that could be taken is unlimited.
none of those things are not allowed by the game… the game does not allow for raid to queue into an epic bg together… how are you making this nonsense comparisons…
using things the game allows is not an unfair advantage… the game does not allow a raid to queue together and doing so gives an unfair advantage blizzard themselves have said so… so just stop bud.