Yep another one

No need to name call and assume j cheat. I already told uou i dont do what you are describing.

But if a fair match with less variable is what you want, well you already pointed out yourself there are rbgs that you could join.

Most people who queue into the BGs are not in large pvp communities where queue-syncers exist. That doesn’t mean they don’t play with friends.

Then he should say what he means. Because that is not what he said. He said most dont play in communities.

A community can be big or small but is a grouping of more than one person.

Therefore not playing with a community is going solo.

And yes. 5 friends in a group is still a community.

I do play rbs but sometimes I just want to have some fun and cheaters are ruining that because they are selfish and if you don’t do it why are you defending cheating?

Interesting. Their comment was directed at “they” and you immediately assume it was directed to you.

Sure. Because its not allowed. If it were allowed and didnt require some weird sync action to accomplish, more people would do it.

this argument you have is stupid yes, a lot of people do play solo, but no one is demanding everyone else play solo they are just asking people don’t cheat.

You are right, i did make this assumption.

JFC, we are obviously talking about the very large in-game or discord communities that queue-sync. Why in the #$@# would five people queue sync?


Im not defending cheating. Because in essence its not, all they are doing is playing in a group and joining the queue at the same time.

But what you want is for them to be reported for playing in a group.

My argument is that we should be allowed to play in groups.

We arnt because people who dont play in groups cry when they lose because they are not in a group as well.

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exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

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My argument isnt stupid. My argument is that this is a massive, online, multiplayer game with role playing elements. It is ment to be played with people and humans are social creatures by nature.

This is a game designed around that social nature and its only natural people would want to play in groups together. They are not inherently cheeting. Just simply grouping and then queuing at the same time.

The only people who complain are people who solo queue and think its unfair that people play as a group in a game designed to be played in groups.

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What bug are they exploiting?

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I am aware of the type of group you are talking about.

you really don’t listen at all do you? I do not care about 5 mans I do them myself sometimes what I don’t like are blatant cheaters.
exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

i have to be able to match the tmog if im doing a RP style toon. ive seen a good one punch man mog but i dont think i could create a big fat green head piccolo mog.

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the advantage is not unfair because everyone has equality of opportunity. you desire equality of outcome, which is not compatible with pvp.


Queue sync is something similar to or is simply a bug. I think it’s more accurately an exploit.

The limit on party (Raids can’t queue for bgs) is an attempt to keep it fair. With regular non-epic bgs, they attempt to keep it to 5man preforms and even attempt to match them into eachother so that the full randoms don’t just get stomped, because obviously a coordinated team is going to stomp randoms.

Epic bgs are protected from this by limiting how many people can queue. 5 people out of 40 isn’t that game changing (it is, but stay with me here) however, 10 people, 15 people, 20 people? That’s exponentially more influential on a games outcome. So blizzard limited it to 5 man preforms for queueing into the same epic bg.

Where this gets complicated is the exploit where coordinating groups of players in their own individual 5 mans will decline BG queue pops until all of the teams, or a majority of the teams, get a queue pop at the same time. Either using Voice Comms or Addons, or even just guild/community chat.

This creates a scenario where 1: There are a plague of half-full epic bgs because these “mmo players” keep dropping queue and force everyone else to have a bad experience for their enjoyment. 2: They eventually join an epic bg and have the most unfair advantage possible, 15-25 or more players on the same page against the unorganized chaos an epic bg usually is.

Blizzard doesn’t want this, obviously, or raids would be allowed to queue and encouraged to queue into eachother.

i think epic bgs preforming into eachother would be great, but that doesn’t appear to be the norm or common.

So basically they make the game unfun for others for their own benefit.

Are they doing anything against ToS? no. Are they exploiting? Yeah.

Do I think large groups of people pvping together is good? Also yeah. I just think this is pretty cut and dry a situation blizzard should remedy.

I think the best solution is to remove the segregation of epic & regular bgs. Majority of players don’t queue epics. But if they’re forced into them there will be more lobbies & more players to prevent those ghost-town games which are the real shame here.

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I do listen. Its just that you dont like what i am saying in response to you.

But please, tell me what bug or exploit are they using to create an unfair advantage.

Ive seen many bugs and exploits since ive started playing in 2004. Fallen through the world and explored the underside of the world tree. Seen people flying before flying mounts existed, people who dont take any damage or one shot when they shouldnt be.

But as far as i am aware what you are talking about are groups of 5 pressing the queue button and hoping that they all get into a match together. They dont actually ahave any control over whether or not they actually make it into the same match.

But again. With all that said. It should br allowed to begin with. They should also create a real solo queue where there are no groupa over maybe 2 for players like you (and likely me when i have time for a match or two) to jump into quick matches.

The only reason it even creates an unfair advantage is because people actually listen too the “leader” shot calling.

Sorry slow response, got a business call.

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blizzcon would be perma cancelled if epic players were forced into seething shore.