Yep another one

How defeatist of you. They have a system in place already, mercenaries, It’s clearly possible for cross faction queues to occur. Why not just expand it to the whole system?

Yes, but that doesn’t mean they designed it without flaws. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to queue all your 5 man groups together into the same epic bgs. This apparently isn’t an easy thing to fix, which is why it still occurs. Not because it’s an intended gameplay style by Blizzard. It clearly isn’t.

Lol. I mean, this is Blizzard that we’re talking about. I shouldn’t have to defend Blizzard’s design decisions. They should do it themselves and start handing out vacations to people who exploit the queuing system in the way that you guys do. Alas, PVP is a low priority for them, and you guys take advantage of that fact in your arguments and actions. You guys are able to fly under the radar…

For now.

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because that’s just a Band-Aid yall will do the same stuff you do now… punishment simply needs to happen to you people that is the only way this will end. If not pvp will die and you will not care because you will just move onto another game to destroy for your own personal pleasure…


The epic BG communities have already addressed this. They hate it and have threatened to either quit or intentionally throw games depending on which side has more of their community in the BG.


How is any of that an argument against it?

I want the game how I want it. Everyone who is playing the game how I don’t want it to be played is cheating and needs to be punished.

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I am all for full cross faction queues to break up queue-syncers, but the epic BG community hates it for obvious reasons.


No… I want the game how BLIZZARD made it to be played YOU are the one playing it YOUR way…

Yea, they definitely seem to have a victim-blaming mentality. Basically saying “Blizzard allows it to happen so therefore it must be ok.”

Like saying “the bank left its vault unlocked so it must be ok to steal from it.”


Attention, they’ve stolen 40 people’s Conquest, that’s as much as four tens, and that’s terrible.

Yeah I didn’t think the Lex Luthor angle would be so poignant.

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I said it’s like stealing stuff because you want it and it’s ok as long as you don’t get caught and they agreed so they have admitted that it’s cheating but they just don’t care lol.

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It is being played how Blizzard designed it. People create groups of 5 players, then click a button.

People are also communicating the status of their queues.

Are you trying to justify it to us or to yourselves? Because I think you know where we stand. And we know where you stand.

therefore, exploiting to get an unfair advantage because an exploit is going around the intended system and you are doing that you can’t argue that and that means you are cheating.

No, no justification needed. They are playing the game. They are not using any cheats. They are not using any tools that you do not have access to.

But it is a discussion. And you are wrong.

Everyone has access to cheats therefore cheating is ok

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Everyone has access to chat.

I think maybe you misspelled it?

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I could’ve come up with a more elegant analogy, but the point still stands. Their behavior is not intended by the developers.

Forgetting to lock a door is not an invitation for others to break and enter. Only a criminally minded person would say otherwise.


Nope simply using your own logic :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t defend comic book entitlement, but ok. I mean I was making fun of you by saying what I said earlier, please understand. You confirming it is just another welt in my tummy as I laugh. I am now imagining myself dragging a tray of 40 conquests away, as I laugh like the Grinch, or Krampus in moonlight.

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