Yep another one

exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

So, you want the game how you want it, and don’t care how other players play it.

how does that make sense to you… I want the game how BLIZZARD wants it…

We want the game how Blizzard intended it to be. If they intended raid-size groups to be able to join epic bgs, they would allow that functionality in the traditional way.

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Blizzard developed the system, which currently places groups into the same instance. If they didn’t intend for it to do that, then it wouldn’t.

because it is intended for RANDOM groups if they wanted raids they would allow raid simple as that bud

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Mental gymnastics won’t change what I said. If Blizzard intended it, you would be able to do it without addons and tricks to game the system.

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So, random groups are intended to be placed into the same instance. Glad we have cleared that up.

Yes, this is true. There are no 5v5 maps, so different groups do get placed into BGs.


These guys will say anything to excuse there blatant cheating lol they do not care about the game they just want an easy free win to stroke their ego lol

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i just woke up i shall check peeeek :beverage_box: :female_detective:

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You’re not random though… you go out of your way to avoid not joining games together.

Blizzard designed the system currently in use. Therefore how it functions is how they intended it to function. I mean, they’ve had 8 years to change it if it is functioning in an unintended way.

Really should stop engaging them as they have a lot in common with criminal mentality. They are pretty close to the type of people who would steal IRL if they were 100% they would get away with it.


We’re realllly pushing it by even assuming intent these days. What does Blizzard want, anyway?

Blizzard straight up said they don’t like what you do… stop with the excuses…


And then, haven’t changed the system in 8 years.

Money. And people posting on forums have subs.


Because there really not much they can do right now… you are just selfish scum that don’t care about the game.

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If they want to kill off PvP aside from having a small die-hard community then they are headed in the right direction.