Yep another one

Actually SaS actively seeks other premades…it’s a thing!

Org getting hit hard. Then we chase them out. Then we group up, multiple raid groups with the intention of rushing Stormwind and killing their leaders and everything in between.

Lagging on zeppelin cuz too many people.

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Actually SaS actively seeks other premades…it’s a thing!

Agree. But that’s not universal.

OMG that was so fun …i really miss that

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No but the groups i roll with don’t like easy wins …they want a good fought match regardless of win or lose. of course we want to win but a good fight and a good match is worth everything

My only issue with premades is when they decided to be unsportsmanlike.

Like flag carrier in our gy while they farm honor kills as we spawn because they are fully geared and half our team are in lvling greens.

PVP has a ton of issues, all of which are fixable and have been spoken about many times on this forum.

At this point, all we can hope is that if/when Microsoft takes full control they dont just leave actiblizzard to its on devises and actually has them reopen the pvp dev department and actually put some effort into pvp.

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This thread has made me want to join your or one of the other groups.

My raid guild dies except for tuesdays and thursdays so i tend to solo queue a lot cuz i dont have anyone to play with.

I dont really want to start another character to level, especially on another server potentially, but at this point i might as well go play bots in LoL for all the player interactivity i get.

you are always welcome in the communities…if ya like it stay if ya don’t ya can leave it’s like goldilocks choose what fits for you really. As for tonight i gotta pick out a swimsuit or some mog to go to a DJL pool party…lol

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Kargath server? Horde? Disc?

Servers don’t matter for communities.

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You can just join the community by putting in an application in looking for community for SaS it’s Savage Alliance Slayers …as this is your main choose the normal on not the alts…for DJL it’s under Davey Jones Locker 2 . Whats the harm in checking it out really if you like the community hang if not you can leave no one will harass you :slight_smile:

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I sent apps but on my Aug Baredragdadi.

I havnt play this hunter since S1 ended and forums wont let me change characters for some reason.

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SaS generally looks later tonight DJL is aware and will accept you asap and or has

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this screams I want the game how I want it and I don’t care about anyone else… and that’s sums up the sync queue community honestly.

It also sums up your posts too.


how so? Please provide your evidence.

This is the original post…

You want people to report players, who are playing the game in the way that you do not want them to be able to play the game.

You want Blizzard to change the system they have already developed. So that the game is played how you want it to be played.

You want the game, how you want it. And you don’t care about how other players might want to play the game their way.


yes, you should report cheaters how does that make me want the game my way? I want people to play the game how it is intended to be played it’s not selfish to not want to play against cheaters…

But they aren’t cheating. They are communicating. You don’t want them to be able to communicate.

That you insist that they are cheating, means you don’t think the game currently functions correctly and that you want it changed.

False equivalence. In PVE you fight the computer. NPCs don’t care if you dominate them with whatever advantages you can get. In PVP you fight real people. Real people who would have a worse gaming experience as a result of fighting an unfair battle against a large-scale premade.

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