Yep another one

I’ll +1 for SaS. I’ve played with them, they’re pretty chill. Lots of fun.

Haven’t played with DJL, yet. Heard they are similar though.

they just dont stop lol


I play with both they both full of really cool players who are just having fun playing as a team.

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I’ve had fun with them every time I’ve been in one of their BG’s. Definitely a chill group of people there to have fun!


When I finally get around to leveling my last healer, they’ll probably apply to join them. DJL, that is.


They are different …i guess it’s all in what your looking for…i love both and as i say the people are just awesome on both. Try the waters like I did…then you choose where you want to play at any given time. Some nights i’m straight up SaS some nights i just like the chill down of DJL…some nights both …it really depends on my mood at any given time.


this is why Blizzard does not care about you… get to 70 where the game actually matters

You’re in for a shock.

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Now to get on an alli team where I can place my alliance alts and we can play time to time. Hellkitty2 is leveling right now but i have my Resto Druid, MW Monk, Hellspawn2 i only play during the day with pugs atm.

Hmm I only am in GG and GG alts . So I’m unsure maybe spm ?

That’s not cheating, that’s pay to win.

Are we gonna have to print a gaming dictionary for you guys?

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Thaedreu keeps banging on about this line in the code of conduct:

“Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.”

Specifically, the last part. Engaging in ANY activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

So pay to win is cheating. Using addons is cheating. Doing anything that other players are not doing, is cheating.

It’s very wishy-washy language. Which has allowed Thaedreu to latch onto it.

The EULA is far more specific, and worded like lawyers wrote it:

Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:

  1. cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;

Queue syncing has not been expressly authorized by Blizzard for bringing premade raids into random bgs.

Blizzard has already explicitly stated that they don’t want premade raids in random bgs because players are driven away from PvP.

It’s clear premade raiders are ignoring Blizzard and the damage they’re doing to the PvP community.

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Communities are a function provided by Blizzard. Chat is a function provided by Blizzard. Clicking a button is a function provided by Blizzard.

If Blizzard didn’t want multiple groups in the same instance, why does the system they developed do it?

If Blizzard wanted premade raids in random bgs, they’d let you queue as one.

Again, queue syncing has not been expressly authorized by Blizzard for bringing premade raids into random bgs.

Again, Blizzard has already explicitly stated they don’t want premade raids in random bgs because players are driven away from PvP.

And again, it’s clear premade raiders are ignoring Blizzard and the damage they’re doing to the PvP community.

And yet, the system Blizzard developed 8 years ago, hasn’t been changed since. Clearly they have much more important things to deal with, like adding cool downs to feasts.

I sent you an in game email

Blizzard did not expressly authorize me to go pee last night between ebgs …but guess what i went pee. I’m such a haxxor!!! It also gave me an unfair advantage over the person holding their pee as i was more focused!!! HAXXXX

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Reported for gameplay sabotage.

Ikr…I am sorry for my transgressions :frowning: in my defense it was between matches, but yes i have ran and tripped over dogs and cats during matches as well to go pee without express permission from blizzard so i’ll admit my wrong doings