Yep another one

says the one who continually jumps post to post to post saying the same thing over and over again calling anyone that doesn’t agree with them a kid. Constantly whining they didn’t get their way in every forum post even ones not containing premade topics.

We know you do that no need to tell us nor have i called people that don’t agree with me “kids” i called you a child because you act like one and i call people that troll childish because it is.

well you’d find some friends there i’m sure you seem like a decent level headed person who wants to be a team player. It’s really a lot of people just having fun joking around and playing as a team

i’m rubber you’re glue whatever you say bounces…yeah we got your number

“I know you are but what am I?”… Great way of showing your maturity.

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or is it “I know you are but what am I” i forget was so long ago

jinx…ya owe me a coke lmao

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Yikes lol sad honestly

I agree it is sad …very

At any rate i wish you the best of luck no matter what you do sounds like your a cool person that’s trying to play the right way :slight_smile:

Ironic isn’t it…

Ahh thanks. I don’t usually chat/type much (more of lurker). Just sometimes I get a wild hair and you know curiosity and cats. Seriously though, any good communities I wouldn’t mind checking one out. More pvp is always a good thing.

Ironic isn’t it


did you read the whole thing or only what fits your narrative… I would guess that later.

well there are two on horde side i would suggest Savage Alliance Slayers and Davey Jones Locker both are listed in the community finder. I am in both and like them both I also play with aussies but they start early est like 6 or 7 am when they get out of work.


If you look under community finder, you click the pvp box, you will see the Horde communities listed there. I lead Davey Jones Locker. There are other communities too.


It’s listed under Davey Jones Locker 2 if I recall yes ?

100% correct.

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Yeah Torture is a good leader she makes things pretty fun for the community…tomorrow we have an event as well so that’s going to be fun. I’m sure you would fit right in and have a good time right away

Any way you choose to go I seriously hope you have fun like I said you sound like a good teammate I would want on my team.

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