Yep another one

There is no random. Randoms will get put anywhere, for the sake that even queuing random functionally eschews ones agency in the process. If I queue for a random BG, I can get placed into a group- or two groups- or 79 other people, organized or otherwise, who had specifically queued into an AV or wherever else this is applicable (stop spec queuing IOC, I put a curse upon you). Really the issue is the term “random” , when mechanically it’s just telling the MMR that “I don’t care”, and really that shouldn’t be the case for one of the most accessible forms of content. Players need to be able to determine methods of play for themselves, but instead there’s this idea to “grind” honor like a chore. Imagine just playing content for its own sake, but instead the content seems to be for some other sake, unfortunately.


Ahhh the good old days. Back when the gms might actually pop up and chat with you while they pulled you from nowhere.


you like to accuse people of things a lot.

And they very much did ban people for it when they replicated doing.

Blizz has banned ton of people for various exploits and some were silly. Im just wondering where are the bans for this one.

yup. When the gm helped me out of the world tree i was warned not to try and replicate it or i risked a time out.

What was the other big one, drowning people in hyjal?

because this is Activision… they very obviously do not care about the game. And you did lie therefore called you out on it. Name one person banned for falling through the world and wondering around without using it to their advantage.

oh i dont know about that one. That might have been during my hiatus. Was this after cata?

No Vanilla, It was a hack jump up their and then a warlock summon to the bottom, or something like that… Way before it was a raid.

I didnt lie, so your call out is meaningless.

I also do not personally know the people who were banned for purposefully replicating a bug that cause you to fall through the floor to be able to access unfinished, unpublished areas and make videos for youtube about.

If anything, rather than a lie, it would be more like an urban legend created from the wow player base centered around areas of the world that were accessible only through means of replicating a bug.

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Oh, i def dont know that one.

The other two, i experienced one personally and the second was recorded and uploaded to youtube. Thats how i know of those.

Yes your team should help you unfortunately the pug groups are full of a lot of solo artists ,trolls and people who don’t care about team or objectives like communities do. Thats why a lot of people join communities to learn, to play as a team it’s about objectives and helping each other. Versus bickering or fighting amongst ourselves we follow a leader that is calling the match and get what needs to be done done…generally speaking it ends up with a win because of that teamwork.


You are right in some ways. While I love to be mad at Blizz truth is the game has come a long ways, Some things just do not get the attention that it should PvP as a whole. We have not had a new bg or Zone (where is my dragonflight pvp ZONE). I just think they need to get a few interns to sit down and make it their own project and then have the big devs take all the credit. Its a win win. We get stuff they get credit the interns learn.

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You mean you all play a team game as a team :exploding_head:


I know an entire school of people that would do this. I also know the school would do it because when i was there we worked on the WC3 engine map creater tool.

I also know this is likely something already been brought up because my professor who knows industry devs personally still works at my old school and i know there are 3 people i graduated with working for blizzard. Unfortunately, none work on any pvp stuff.

yup the way it was intended to be played


But communities add a lot more to the table really from helping you with your class and making friends to do arena or rated with…its just a bunch of like minded people wanting to enjoy the game together mainly. Without all the trolls and solo artists and bickering in the matches etc we simply follow lead and watch where we are needed …i myself do mainly recapping and defense …thats what i enjoy the most and with a community i can do that.

oh now the story changes… just stop dude

this person is the reason you keep finding nubless pacifiers…from alliance bodies

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haha at least come up with something new… trying to pretend everyone that disagrees with you is a baby says more about you then anything.

I have heard of these communities. I have considered looking into them.