Yep another one

read the whole thing… I’m not saying why should I try I am saying why should I try and coordinate a bunch of randoms. Do not take things out of context that is childish

If blizzard “indented” this is would be allowed by queuing as a raid group together

Because you are in a Random battle ground? I mean why wouldnt some one try to say something as easy as who is flag carrier? got to LM two people go gm or any of the other strats. Its like the 3 seconds is just to Hard? How is this going out of your way?

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I do that though… there will always be randoms that don’t listen. That is how “randoms” are supposed to work… If you want coordinated groups go play RBGS that’s why they exist…

Blizzard designed the system that is in place. The system functions as they intended. It must do, they haven’t changed the system in at least 8 years.

I keep forgetting that they are a small indie company. Maybe they’ll get around to it. Instead of the low hanging fruit, like adding cool downs to toys and feast.

I corrected your spelling. I hope you don’t mind.

I thought the bg was to do what I can to help my team win? Hmm I should go do rated… That’s really very dismissive and mean. You do not like what I am saying then I should just go away and not do content I really love to do. And the way I see it I log in and que solo like you. Tell me why I am suddenly not allowed to do bgs?

At this point I can only say that your lack of willingness to play to the best of your potential means you are a sponge and more of a problem in bgs than any premade. People may or may not agree with me. That is fine. If they are on my team I will still have their back. I am not about to tell people that actually pvp to take a hike. The more of us the better for everyone, regardless of their opinions.


Yet you circumvent the system…

The reason it is “allowed” is because it is nearly impossible to stop and relying on people to police their own behavior is obviously not going to work, either.

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Where did say you can’t do bgs? All I said was you can’t expect randoms to always be coordinated nor did I say I don’t try my best I do because I want to win like everyone else…


The restriction is:

Groups of up to 5 players can click the queue button. Groups larger than 5 cannot.

The system then decides where to place groups in instances.

The system often decides to place multiple groups in the same instance. Sometimes they have different instances.

It’s very random.

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Again, if you were allowed to join a bg as a larger then 5 man you could join a bg in a larger then 5 man… that’s like saying well I can take someone’s stuff because I think it’s fair that I have what they have and as long as nobody stops me it’s not stealing…

i isnt impossible to stop. Ive actually suggested it several times.

Account wide, escalating timers for missed queues. this will cause the 5 man groups to desync and make it much harder to replicate this “exploit”. Other pvp games already have this and Bliz is well known for taking examples from other games and improving on it (main reason why wow got so popular and probably why it still going now).

If they wanted to stop it they could. Who knows, maybe they will one day.

I don’t know what else to say other than this^

A really bad thing I see here a lot. If you do not like what someone says it is usually go do something else. No, I am fine. I think if you are queing into group content and complaining about people that want group content not much else should be said.

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… they have stopped it… it’s called only being able to queue as a 5-man…

Just adding cross faction would fix it.

Remove the mercenary system.

It’s a band aid anyway.


Did you not read this thread? Its not random thats the problem. They get around this random filter to play together in a massive group and tip the scales while auto running other lobbies in their search for sync

I’m not complain people do group content I do it as well, I am “complaining” that people EXPLOIT to get and UNFAIR ADVANTAGE

yet… it didnt stop it.

and yet, they could take it a step further and put more restrictions,

and yet…

they havnt.

They put a bandaid on something to try and appease people who complain about playing group content with people grouping for said group content.

I have played with some of them. I know exactly how it works. But it isn’t a science.

yes. I have suggested that too, but that tends to trigger the EBG people because some of them believe that would kill their Ebg community. I disagree, i think it would improve ebgs and all forms of pvp other than world pvp.

So with that logic I can cheat and as long as I don’t get caught it’s not cheating