Yep another one

Please explain how it’s not cheating.

There is no advantage. Calling out strategies is the point to the game. Doesnt matter who’s is in the bg. They are not going invincible they are not using some weird bot to one shot people. They are simply listening and playing a unite. That is the purpose of BGs. I may be old school, Back in the original WSG AB and AV. You sat for XXX until you que popped everyone gets in, YOU were ONE unit. Everyone followed Lead. Didn’t matter if my guild was in or someone else’s guild we listened. Both factions. So tell me how listening and following directions is cheating? I dont care if they have 10 guys in conquest gear,
I am in conquest gear, I que solo. I am no one and yet most everyone at this point. If I am not on my main I am on a blues alt, I still listen and stay with the pack… Much further back.

There are very few times that I actually go wow I just got totally out played in a bg. I can count maybe three in the past year, and that was in wsg, Not just my team being bad (or me getting schooled… it happens…,) Just flat out geared and out skilled. So 3 in 8 months. Bgs everyday regular and epic oh and the brawl… I think you all call cry wolf. (worgen?)


There is an advantage. But it’s not unfair.

I play with an MMO mouse, I’d point that out as cheating before I’d point to players communicating in game.

Sure, but you can’t expect people to always coordinate especially new players gearing out and learning to pvp to claim that a group of 40 people all set up with healers and tanks and good dps are not unfair to a group of randoms is… delusion… for lack of a better word.

This is just… more delusion lol

I have hardware that allows my thumb to be over the number row, from 1 through to =. Add in modifiers, I have 36 buttons under my thumb. That’s far more of an unfair advantage than people agreeing to a strat.


I think new players listen better than the person that just complains and sits afk at the base or graveyard. New people instinctively follow because they don’t know any better. Sure if you run in with all greens your gonna get spanked but the same is true for open world and everything else. Just because you get a large group of “your friends and community” does not mean they will be sober and listen or not have rl interrupt. I have seen the drama that comes from these places. Its great to catch up on every week. I stopped watching daytime tv.


not at all because those are allowed, que sync is not… this isn’t rocket science

It is very frustrating to lose and lose all the time. It is hard to get conquest when you’re not winning. I think instead of the complaining start just taking lead in your groups. You will find there are more people out there like me who just need a voice to follow. We go with the flow. Lose this one meh win the next five its fine.

Not complaining pointing out a problem that needs to be fixed. Why should I go out of my way because people choose to exploit? why can’t they just join with the allowed 5 man and do what you are claiming is “all they do”…

Okay that right there is the problem in any bg. You have to go out of your way or you are in the way.

Even something as simple as being a frontline pusher with guaranteed heals coming from premade healers is a huge advantage. Solo queueing as a frontline pusher with no dedicated healers will just typically end up with you being dead.


I work with my team every time lol I’m saying why should I try to coordinate a bunch of randoms when these “friends” groups don’t do it themselves?

Circumventing a system set in place to limit lopsided games should hold less ‘wait’.

Go play a rated battleground with all your cool friends. :woman_shrugging:

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Why isn’t the healer there. Sounds like someone not communicating to say hey healer with me. Again no advantage. Unless you really have no heals LOL and that’s on blizz. It happens all the time. Thats a blizz problem not a premade.

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The restriction is: Groups of up to 5 people can click a button. No one is joining as a raid.

The system then decides where to put groups.

Which is a complaint.

You are complaining about the current system as being unfair.


no the system is not unfair the exploiting sync queue groups are unfair

No one is exploiting anything though. They click a button.


they are going around the 5-man system by EXPLOITING the system…

Okay I am sorry, I am not trying to be mean but I hear why should I try why should I try why should I try when so and so gets a pink pony and I have to have a blue one… You both got a pony.

Whom ever is lead should be doing this if you do not want the responsibility give it to someone who does. If raid lead isn’t doing their job and you are not willing to step up then you have ZERO room to say anything.

Again I have only seen this premade person twice, once with and once against. Lost both times. (LOL)

If Blizzard didn’t intend for multiple groups to be placed into the same eBG, then the system wouldn’t do that.

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