Ideally, all those boulders would make a hill of their own, but these things just seem to roll off.
They got tired of complaining on every other thread so they started their own. Hell they got me involved when they came over to a non related post and started in with this same argument…round and round we go …by the way save your nubless pacifiers as I finally located their owner after all this time.
What is the point in any of your posts? Lol. They’re overtly pro-premade. You’ve just ensured that this thread was pushed to the top of the BG forums for several hours today.
nah, they are overtly group play.
and if people stopped arguing with me and accept the fact I am right the thread would die.
Happens to me at least 3x a night.
It does to every leader lol omg …You ain’t my mother!!! then they go cross their arms in some random corner of the map lol
You are really triggered today about any and everything premade.
im a part of a random bg community… and even i am starting to not like grouping up with the homies… because for some reason blizz always matches premade vs non-premade… and not only that… it seems like the non premade team is always 200k hp players…
its just so lopsided and unfun when u wipe them in 30 sec and they sit in GY rest of game.
i kinda wish it would match premade vs premade that would make it really cool for premades and also for non premades!!!
Pretty sure he’s just OGpapabear. On a diff account
Lol report for what? Pretty sure its not against the rules. Frowned upon…maybe. but not against the rules.
exploiting is very much against the rules…
If it was exploiting don’t you think Blizzard would have done something?
How are they exploiting?
Yup, doesn’t matter if it is “against the rules” or not.
People that manipulate the system in a way that it is not intended to be used at the expense of the enjoyment of other players = bad people.
Decent people take into account the experience of the other people playing the game. Selfish, bad people do not.
Blizzard doesn’t do anything at all anymore. There was an invulnerability bug during season 1 that went on for months. Blizz didn’t even ban the offenders, they just patched the bug.
^ This.
Blizzard: “Hey, listen, your premade raids are driving other players away from PvP.”
Premade raider: “No ban? Don’t care. Btw, I’m going to claim queue syncing is a feature of the game and the devs want premade raids in random bgs.”
Don’t forget the part where they troll and spam report anyone that speaks out against it as well
Oh like they’ve fixed the obvious XP Eliminated exploit that’s been going on for years now. Mythic + problems on it, cross-realm trading on it, raiding exploits on it, PVP problems years and years…never fixed.
I keep reading these threads, one was really entertaining with the cringe alt. I have even asked a question to which I got no response sadly. I am a solo Epic BG person. LOVE battled grounds LOVE pvp in general. I am never going to be a glad, its just hubby and I having fun in twos and every now an then I drag him with me to random bgs. I have never been grouped with more than 4 into a battle ground. Again, usually just me myself and I.
Up until about a week ago I had not even seen any of the people that post in any of my bgs. For a long time, I thought it was a myth of some kind. But the other day I saw a fox hunter who post and is one of the group leaders (I believe). Now they were on my side and well we lost so bad it was pretty horrible, and I thought to myself WTF I thought we were supposed to win with that person that’s what everyone says. (Now to be fair I never actually look at who is in the group so if you don’t post I don’t know.) Now to be fair I was on my ally pally and came up against the same fox and I don’t know how but they managed to get a mage to flag who put up a barrier and got hanger. Yay horde for making it there for once, (Wish I was qued with them). I understand how bad it may be in regular bgs I have been on both side of a stomping but to be fair its so minimal in the grand scheme of all bgs.
I wanted to know if this was a faction thing as well. I started to see more and more posts and to be honest it seems to be more from the alliance side complaining. It could just be people posting on their alt, like I am mostly on my Pallies now. I went over to the alliance side to see what the difference was. Made a mirror version best I could between class and spec. Now there is a gear difference but its meh.
6am mtdt Horde Epic bg. Everyone loads in. Food, buffs, cookies, mage table, and then some one says hanger or whatever. (this is literally every bg or epic bg) People mostly follow and do whatever. If we lose the b team bails and usually, we get a good A team of back fill and come back for a win. Usually.
6am mtdt Alliance side. Everyone loads in. Some one at 3 seconds asks for cookies. Everyone is silent when we head out. No one says anything we lose the fight. Most complain and afks. The few freaks left like me battle and they seem to know the how toos. This was prevalent through the 60’s bracket as well.
Now to be fair. I play at all hours and days randomly. LOL I have a life so not 24/7. Now I did run into a small group on the ally side that called out stuff and well go figure we won.
I think in a lot of cases it is not a premade group. I believe it is just better communication. People like me who always pug in are not helpless which gets tossed around a lot in these threads. My character is in full conquest, gems and enchanted. I toss down food and offer buffs I also listen and follow direction.
I believe if you are not calling things out tossing down the buffs and helping lead then its more of a lack of effort rather then they have 5 people in a group I just know it. I have stomped premade groups with a bunch of randoms just because we had one old guy who said hey some one go do this or that, OR MY FAVORITE. Watch the map. I will take off to a node with out saying a word and other people follow or I see some one else going I will back them up to.
Experience and communication is what wins bgs. Yes, you can say it’s not fair because they have 10 people in that are all listening/watching the screen. Congratulations they are doing the objectives. The same could be said for the other side. If you are doing them enough to come and complain, then you know the bgs and objectives. Step up and lead people like me will follow.
Now new players and new people to bgs generally ask questions and are given great information and answers. Despite the few jerkyfaces most people in bgs are chill and happy to help. New players already know that most things they try and do the first few times is going to smack them up one side and down the other from leveling to raids and everything in-between. Constantly calling their mental abilities into question on, “how could they possibly understand this” is just demeaning please stop.
Now quesyncing is frowned on but it is not cheating. The only benefit they have is actually communicating. Something both teams should be doing period. There is not an advantage other than things that are built into the system regardless of how many people they bring in.