Yep another one

Which is why I advocate for solo queue bg. It would be extremally popular if done correctly.

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Na that’s just simply not true lol

At the end of the day PS should never be allowed in PVP. It’s fine for PVE. PVP its spoiling low level bgs.

I dont know what game you are playing then. I see it all the time and i see complaints about “toxicity” all the time on these forums, redit, twitch, youtube, pretty much every platform.

Saying it doesnt exist or happen is pretty delusional.

sure, there is toxic people all over the place, but you are trying to imply it’s every single bg all the time and that’s just not true.

Low level PS is different that group PS.

Low level PS where a 70 syncs down into a 60 bg is not the same situation and is very exploitive. Im not sure why this hasnt been removed other than their are not pvp devs.

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It is allowed…in rated BGs

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There you go again, making those assumptions.

I never said it happened in every bg. I simply stated that it was the main difference between pugs and not pugs.

And, i specifically pointed to mentality. You can sit in any bg or rbg and wtch as people leave and join constantly over the course of the match but never say anything at all. That falls under the same umbrella. Instead of sticking to it and fighting for victory, communicating and working together, they would rather leave and requeue. Sometimes they are toxic before leaving sometimes not.

But, as siths mentioned, if a group is being lead by someone they know and has a reputation but they lose the opening fight for whatever reason, that group wont leave. They will a strat will be brought up and people will willingly listen and follow that strat.

That is why the premades win so much.

It is not that the premade is so insanely skilled they they roflstomp their way to victory.

They simply go into the match with a cooperative attitude.

Not everyone wants to play rated. Nor are their rated Ebs.

The OP is talking about regular BGs not Epics.

I understand that, doesnt mean that its not part of the conversation.

not an assumption lol just simply the way you act.

Let’s at least be honest about why they don’t do rated. It’s too hard for them. Their win rates will drop from 95% to 50%.

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Im not acting in any way. If you feel like i am, that is your perception creating assumptions and jumping to conclusions based on things I am not even saying.

mhm sure bud.

What is the point of this particular post? What does this prove to you in your own mind?

Sissyfits likes to push boulders.

But doesnt the boulder roll back down because ravens eat his eyes as soon as he gets to the top because hades hated him?

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Yes. Yes it does. It always rolls back downhill.

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I like to imagine it to be more a herculean task instead. Or are we entering the realm of Manea and need not look ahead?