Yep another one

all of this is because blizz pulled funding for the pvp department, like in simcity

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This. This is it right here.

That is the primary reason why premades are more successful.

If someone in the premade says “need to back cap x” no one is going “st*u noob dont tell me how to play i did bad thing sto your mom!”

This is the mentality part i keep bringing up.

Now that’s just blatantly untrue lol

I don’t see any other reasoning as to why you would restrict grouping of only 5 players other than if you didn’t want people to group up in more than 5 man groups. It seems pretty clear.

They also put in place an algorithm to pair premades against each other. Then a couple of years later strengthened it.

Our PvP community was also much, much larger back then. What we are dealing with know is a shadow of it’s former self.

Ide argue they would conti ue to sync queue whether its easy wins or not.

In fact, ive seen advertised ebg events looking for more organized competition to play against.

It was orignally.

They only added restrictions later becuase pug complaints like this thread.

ya people that are tired of the sync queus and want to fight them on a fair playing field lol

Its not untrue at all.

Game did not start with bgs. Pvp was open world only.

After titles were added and they saw how popular it was they made objective based pvp instances.

These instances were, by design, group based with no restrictions and coincided with events in the open world.

After a while, the forums were created and threads like this, complaining about premade groups being unfair to those who dont group, started popping up.

Eventually blizzard added a restriction to bgs. Later adding it to ebgs too.

This game is, and always has been, desigend for group play.

The only thing thar was added that goes against this is RSS.

They didnt restict it simply because thats what they wanted. They restricted it in order to not lose money.

The game was and is inteneded to be played as a group. But they make changes over time to stop people from leaving because they dont like something about the game.

Because money.

Because I don’t know “Someone”

If I’m in a group, and Cinco or Ruthlessbro says “Let’s go do this” then I’ll do it. They have the renown and track record to come into a BG and start barking orders. For the most part, there is a method to win quickly in an Epic. That’s not really the part that people don’t listen to. Everyone goes SR. Everyone goes RoC. Everyone goes Hangar. It’s what happens after you lose those objectives that is up in the air. If i’m in a group with Inemia and we lose Hangar and Inemia says “This is going to sound crazy, but let’s all go in force to their gate”, I may thing it’s a little strange, but i’ll do it. If some rando said that I’d tell him to uninstall his game.

Either way, it was put in place to restrict groups. A long time ago blizzard needed to crack down on players who were using an add-on to find and form players for Epic premades. This is what they said about Battlegrounds.

The normal Battleground queue is for players to jump in and play against other players in a similar situation. We realize that it’s not a perfect system, and we’re still looking at ways to improve normal Battleground queues further. Regardless, it’s not meant for organized groups to “pug stomp” and get quick Honor. We have built in outlets for players that want to organize–if a competitive, social experience was really the goal, then there are clear ways to achieve that.

This rarely happens it’s such a sad excuse honestly.

which in its attempts to be extremely fair has lead to it being frustrating, unfun, and exploited. knowing you are about to go 0-6 because of a bad lobby, or seeing the glue eater who keeps losing your matches suddenly remember he was a AWC runner up last year now that he is on the other healer’s team and just destroys your dps 3 rounds in a row. its just not fun, and worse is nobody is queueing 2s so you are already running into glad alts at 1600 mmr.

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This exact sentence could be used by someone on the opposite end of an Epic Premade.

Also important to note, that Solo Shuffle is the most popular form of rated play.

idk if you should be acting all high and mighty about SS when you do the same things you are “complaining” about in epics XD

you can leave epics. you can’t leave RSS without a penalty to your rating. and i think if you afk too many RSS, they might give your account a vacation.

i am well aware certain alliance communities will put spies or trolls into horde teams then sync in, its not something SAS does though.

For one, sounds like i need to get into some of these matches with Inemia. Ive played against Ruthless and even enjoyed myself fight over oil refinery pointlessly, 1v2, knowing i was still going to lose the match. Premades do not bother me at all.

But this is the mentality that kills pugs. Which is also fine. I get it. But the problem i have with this overall thread is the argument that because pugs have this general mentality that is not conducive to teamwork, why are we then going out of our way to punish the groups because pugs arnt having fun any more.

I hate pugs, pve mpre so than pvp, because of this type of mentality, but why should i, or others like me, be punished because pugs dont like how the game plays?

And on the same vein, why punish the solo queuer for not liking groups.

The only real solution is to give them both a avenue to play but I am not sure there is enough of a player base still to sustain it.

Im not even sure tehre is enough player base to sustain WoW altogether for much longer without some very drastic overhauls to several fundamental systems. Like I saw someone else mention, its time for WoW 2.

always the dodge and deflect lol

edit, they don’t want to show my pulp fiction gif, so i’ll put this instead

im not dodging.


Its not rare at all. People are constantly bickering in pug matches.