Yep another one

Ive also addressed that, if it truly is so impactful, how easily it could be fixed.

Also how the game could br changed to accomadate both groups.

I never argued that it wasnt happening. But rather, what are they doing that could realistically be punishable by a ban? And to thst i say nothing.

I’m really glad the lifeblood of randoms is nothing more than an amazon delivery. I might almost call it a service contract.

It can’t. The only solution is for Blizzard to drop the 5-man queueing restriction. Once epic premade queueing becomes normalized the correct way, then we can see the scales tip a little.

So people who want to play as a group, allowed in all other forms of the game, should br punished for this?

Let them do it but make it that the face other raids simple as that but everyone know they don’t want that lol.

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too many boxes to check matching up same size groups would lead to longer que times.
if grouping up for bgs was removed entirely across the board at every level what would stop 40 players individually hitting that join bg button at the same time?

Yep, it’s Blizzard’s fault, not the players. However, we don’t have enough players that actually “care” about PVP. It is dying off. Late last night on my 51 Rogue waited an hour for a random bg to pop, never did. I have never experienced that in low-level PVP it used to be fantastic queue times.


Apples to oranges. The difference is, in other facets of the game queueing as a large group is both allowed and encouraged. When Blizzard places a 5-man restriction on a game mode, then I think their intention is pretty clear.

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If the only thing they are doing is hitting join as party at the same time they aren’t circumventing anything. If they are using actual cheats or 3rd ru apps then prove it and turn them in.

They can hope to get in together but they aren’t guaranteed.

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Thst was literally one of the things i said tho. So it can be changed.

But then this particular type of thread wont go away. People would still complain about premades but no longer would be subject to the “exploit”.

So in order to address that, solo queuers need a safe place with solo queue only queues. But this further splits the community.

So in the end, its is highly unlikely blizz addresses this in any way and this entire thread is mute.

I had this on my dk. I ended up just logging off and getting on my aug and queued for soemthjng which aslo took too long so i got off completely.

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Even if they don’t face each other exclusively. You would see groups pop up in LFG Tool such as “Epic Premade, get your 110 conquest” all the time. 40 players just willing to listen can give them a run for their money.

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if people could avoid the “premades” why would they “complain” as you like to put it

It’s such a grey area, because I know that people just legitimately just want to play with friends and it’s harmless. But there are premades out there that join bgs in a group for one reason only, knowing they will stomp the other team, and laughing while they do it. It’s such a weird line cross.

There is a world of difference between you think it’s unfair and they are cheating. They are not. Try making some friends or communities and give it back to them.

Also it’s random bgs not rated so there is no consequence and little at stake. Stop making things that happen once in awhile into some major incident.


It would be a split.

Solo queues versus group queues.

If you queue for solo, the system goes beyond out of its way to break any sy cing for pure solo.

Group queues are unreatricted and if you queue into this as a solo player you do so knowing there qill be groups.

it’s not these groups go out of there way just of easy wins if it wasn’t for easy wins they would just simply play the way the game allows

I said thst because if uou didnt add the solo queue they couldnt avoid rhe premades. The system would still throw solos into matches with premades.

Its already set up to put groups agaisnt groups. Im sure they could make it stricter but that doesnt stip syncing alone.

There would need to be multiple, fundamental changes to the pvp queueing system for this issue to go away completely and even then im not sure it would.

it’s not set up to put 40 mans vs 40 mans though

They only put the restriction becuae of threads like this.

It was not originally designed to restrict groups. They added it but didnt change the game in any fundemental way. So we are still playing game modes that require group cordination and communication, but not allowed to group, cordinate or communicate?

No, that was not the intention. And this issue will persist until there is a complete overhaul of the pvp system. Which would likely be simpler if they jsut made a stand alone based on wow pvp.