Yep another one

I exploit the irl weakness of players ingame, plz ban me

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The epic premade groups are organized and experienced. They have superior teamwork, both through verbal and nonverbal communication. This has been achieved through hundreds of games queueing together. Its travel team VS rec league, if you’re a sports guy. PuG’s are chaos. It’s what makes random so, well, random. When a premade is fighting PuG, it’s a slaughter. I don’t say that as just the sheep, I say it as the wolf as well. I have been on the side of a premade several times before, it’s no contest. Half the enemy team leaves when they see names like Cinco, Ruthlessbro, Inemia, Torture… you name it. There’s a reason why the more seasoned members have a near 90% win rate. If it wasn’t so successful, then they wouldn’t go through the trouble. If there was a chance that some rando group of guys could beat them, then they wouldn’t go through the trouble.

I’m just saying, that it should NEVER put a group of 5 into a bg against a group of pugs. I know the system tries to do this in general, but imo it should never happen. If 2 ppl are grouping together, it should find a group on the other side with 2 ppl queing together, same goes for 3, 4, 5 people grouping together.

I as a solo que person would wait in a longer que myself to make sure I’m not being put into a group against 5/10 premade group just to be gy stomped. But that’s just my opinion.

imitation is the sincerest form of flattery :smiling_face:

I need a ranking, like 1/10 on how I did.

On a side note, Idk what you do in real life, but if you aren’t in PR then you are wasting your talents.

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The amount of time and energy being expended in this thread to justify sync queueing is astounding.

At this point who are you trying to convince, us or yourselves?


a solid 5/7

i do cybersecurity irl, idk anything about PR

i don’t think these people even have conscience so prob just us lol

This is a good here.

So lets say softball travel versus rec at the highschool level.

What are the differences? Yes, all the things you mentioned. But there is one thing, underlining all that, that causes those differences.

You can see it from say ranked 104 team versus state team. What is the deference that creates so much disparity.

There is nothing stopping the rec team from putting in as much time and effort to inprove at playing, communicating and winning more often compared to the travel team. Except, the travel team doesnt tend to bring an ice chest of beer with them to practice.

Its mentalty. Which is what i have pointed out and accused that im blaiming pugs for.

Pugs are the group that dont care, just there to have fun while drinking a beer.

The synced group goes in ready to play the match as it was intended.

There is nothjng the synced group does the pug cant do too. They just, more often than not, wont.

dehumanizing your opponent is sad.

I dont even sync queue :laughing:

It’s ok, they think you’re a boulder, and this thread is a hill.

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No. Thats not exactly what they’re doing but you seem to be arguing in bad faith so I’ll only explain this once.

They queue at the same time yes. Thats fine, what isnt fine is that they wait for the queue to pop, and communicate with the other groups to confirm that all of their queues popped at the same time, more or less ensuring that its the same lobby.

If they dont get a synced pop, they all drop queue and try again until enough people sync.

Thats why its exploitation.

This behavior also causes problems by creating empty lobbies where theres 15-25 empty slots from all the dropped 5mans.

Its just bad


you only dehumanize yourself nobody controllers your mind bud

getting Psycho Mantis flashbacks all of a sudden

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Someone give this person a cookie :cookie: please.

Plug your controller into the 2nd port, that’ll fix it

on a side note- I’d really like to be able to merc at any time in the game, not just when the “weather” decides it.


Ok fair enough. Make it a level playing field though. PS is driving players away from random bgs.

Time and consistency. For many people, Epic BG’s are a means to an end. They need Honor, or they need that first win of the day conquest. PuG players are like two trucks passing each other on the highway. If they banded together and forms a group, then they would no longer be a PuG. PuG’s are the lifeblood of the random queue. If they’re gone, then the game is gone. We would just have a bunch of premades queueing nights and weekends.


And quite rightly too. Why should level 70s come into low-level bgs and dominate damage and healing? Does that sound right to you?