Yep another one

Where did you explain how its unfair? All ive read is that you just keep repeating its unfair.

Show me where you explained what exactly makes it unfair.

Raid group vs random pug group=Unfair is that simple enough for you?

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No its not. Because you havnt explained how a raid group is joining the queue.

And thats the problem with your whole argument. You keep saying raid group when they arent. Its 5 man groups that are simply pressing queue at the same time. And thats it.

But beyond thst you make assumptions.

  • they are always doing so on purpose.
    -they are always in coms
    -playing together means they play more optimally than a pug (group does not equal skill)
    -playing together means they are more organized.

The only assumption that is fair is:

They stay grouped

And they dont have defearust attitude and afk/leave matches after a single death. Thry tend to play the map objectives which is all that matters.

Pugs are fully capable of playing the map objectives but often dont because they are soloist with defeatist mentalities that stat typing more than playing.

im not, im pointing out the issue with your argument, you aren’t arguing for the enjoyment of the pugs or for a better version of the game, you just don’t want to lose when you play solo.

you have the opportunity to make your own groups.

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It should be allowed, that’s fine, then that 10 man sync queing up should 100 percent be put up against another 10 man syncing up regardless of if they have to wait in an extra long que for it, instead of being put against a 10 man group of pugs, no?


Exactly this.

If my guild made a 5 man group, and then thaed’s guild made a 5 man group, then we join queue at the same time and get into the same match together, well thats a bannable offense according to thaed.

This is literally what they do.

I think the main issue here is that most people don’t care if premades in randoms is a thing. But they should 100 percent be put up against another group of premades every, single, time. And if the que is longer, that’s the drawback.

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Correct. Which is why i also put in that there should be a solo queue that takes extra steps to de-sync groups like wait timer for not accepting the queue pop with an account wide, escelating, timer.

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Stop blaming randoms for everything it just plain pathetic bud.

This is an assumption.

In video games, an exploit is the use of a bug or glitch, or use elements of a game system in a manner not intended by the game’s designers, in a way that gives a substantial unfair advantage to players using it .

They will group in several groups of 5. Count down in their community chat using an add-on, and use the add-on to confirm which groups queued on time and which didn’t. If not everyone synced up then they will drop the queue and try again. They will also leave the BG if they did not get the majority of their players in the same game. This is why you will sometimes see 40 vs 30 at the start of the game.

It is not by accident, as some of them will claim. They are going into it with the intention of grouping together.

Thae keeps saying circumnavigating, because that is what they are doing. There is a system in place that limits groups of larger than 5. They are taking advantage of another rule that is in place. one that makes it so that people in a party are more likely to play against one another.

They are taking something intended “5-man queue restriction” and circumnavigating it by lining up their queues.

Im not blaiming anyone for anything. I am pointing out the differences in mentality.

no it’s not…

Boulder goes up, boulder goes down. Eventually there won’t even be words, just a negative-sounding grunt.

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the ques are longer when sync queing. sometimes we specific que bg’s which takes even longer. it also helps with backfilling losing bgs. if the game is trying to fill the empty afk spots it usually backfills with solo queue players, from what i’ve experienced, before the 5 man groups. if you could avoid (mostly) backfilling losses just by grouping up wouldn’t you do it?

Oh and here’s my impression of Inemia.

Don’t you think that it’s odd? That Blizzard made it so you can queue with only 5 people at a time and then almost immediately made it so you are more likely to queue with others also in a group? Blizzard wants people to group up and queue together. It’s obvious in their intentions with these designs.


The first one, which i asked multiple times, is what makes it an exploit. So thank you for taking the time to explain the use of 3rd party addons/applications.

The second isnt an exploit but a feature.

However, several times i have made a suggestion on how both of these things can be fixed if this were such a serious issue that blizzard would bother to take notice.

I ask you this: what is the primary difference between a group as you explained above and a pug that makes it an unfair advantage?

Anything and everything the synced group can do the pug can as well. The pug group just wont bother to do it and likely afk/quit if the match is percieved to be difficult.

in a 5 man that the game allows yes, in a big raid for easy braindead wins? no